Before going in search of collectibles, I recommend dealing with the final enemies in this area. Sneak up the hill behind the hunting lodge.
Three more men will emerge from the cave at the top of the stone steps (in the northwest corner of this area). There's a stone wall between their position and the lodge that makes good cover.
Since these guys are grouped so closely together (note the red glow in Survival Instinct view), shooting just one of them will cause the survivors to sound the alert and release the wolves. But if you shoot an arrow into the wall off to the right, near the mushroom which also glows if you press Survival Instinct, you can create a distraction. One of the men will then go investigate.
Once he turns white in Survival Instinct view, you'll know he's far enough from the others that you can pick him off with a well-placed headshot.
Repeat the process by shooting a another arrow near the mushroom. One of the remaining Solarii will move to check it out. You can then take him down with a headshot. Finally, kill the last man the same way.
- OR -
Instead of using distraction, try lobbing a couple of grenades up there. You may be able to get them all at once.
Finish off any survivors with your weapon of choice.
The game autosaves once you've defeated this trio. Now the woods are completely clear and you can explore at your leisure.
[Part 2 | Return to the Summit Forest Walkthrough]
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