After you've eliminated the men on the west side of the stream, return toward the wooden bridge at the north end of the forest.
There are several Solarii on patrol near the hunting lodge on the east side of the swamp. If you take out the man guarding the bridge...
...using another silent headshot... can move down into the water, cross under the bridge...
...and climb out on the opposite bank, on the left side of the bridge. A checkpoint registers when you cross the bridge, either on top or underneath.
There's a mushroom (4/10) for the Challenge growing near the end of the bridge, as well as some trees and bushes that make good cover.
Slowly and carefully take out the 4 men guarding the area near the hunting lodge. They move around and call out to each other a lot, so make sure each one is out of hearing distance when you kill him. Notice how the 2 men in the screenshot above have a red glow in Survival Instinct view. This means they'll alert other nearby enemies if you kill either of them.
Wait until they separate and then target an enemy on his own. See how this one glows white in Survival Instinct?
This means you can take him down with a silent headshot without attracting the others' attention.
When you've dealt with them, move across the area in front of the building. You can't use the Hunting Lodge Day Camp yet, since there are enemies about. Instead stick to the darker, more wooded areas as you move to the south. Take out 2 more roving Solarii and you should see a checkpoint.
NOTE: When you get down to the last one or two enemies, if you want to go for the extra XP and salvage, you can attack them openly to trigger a larger battle with wolves. I'd just as soon not do this, but it's up to you. It's a little easier if you've taken out most of the original enemies first.
[Part 1 | Part 3 | Return to the Summit Forest Walkthrough]
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