St. Aicard's Graveyard - Raiding Tombs and Locating the Secret Entrance

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Continue around the corner toward the far end of the graveyard. There's a guard dog (1) near the end of the path. If you're after the "Good Boys" achievement/trophy (no harming or taking damage from dogs), you'll probably want to quick-save here, since you'll need to avoid it. Otherwise, just kill it.

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Take running jumps over the dog, as you approach the large gate at the end of the path. Then jump on/over the crypts on the right...

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...and pick up the bandages (3 or 5) lying in the corner behind the right corner mausoleum.

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Quick-save again if things have gone well so far. Then run/jump back over the low crypt, turn left, and run back along the path toward the corner.

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As you approach the bend in the path, turn left into the space between the tall, corner mausoleum and the slightly shorter one next to it.

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Then quickly pull up onto the shorter mausoleum.

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Turn around and jump onto the flat top of the taller mausoleum.

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Turn right. Then take a running jump across the path onto the next flat-topped mausoleum (i.e., the one to the left of the fenced-in area).

NOTE: If you don't care about getting all pickups, you can proceed directly to the LEVEL EXIT. Drop down into the fenced-in area on the right and skip directly to the exit, below.

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Walk to the rear edge of the mausoleum and jump forward to grab the vine-covered ledge. Pull up. Walk along the ledge to the left to get a chocolate bar (4 or 6).

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Continue to the end of the ledge and take a standing jump down onto the fenced-in mausoleum in the corner. Drop down in front of it...

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...and open the door to find a Desert Ranger clip (5 or 7) and bandages (6 or 8).

NOTE: If you're playing the classic game, this door won't open without first obtaining a strength upgrade. See the main walkthrough for details.

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Climb back on top of the mausoleum.

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Turn so Lara faces out over the door. Then jump over the fence onto the next tomb. (It's either a running jump or a standing jump-and-grab from the edge.)

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There's now another guard dog (2) near the big wooden door. It will approach when Lara descends. So, if you're avoiding the dogs for the "Good Boys" achievement/trophy, quick-save once more. Then face the large gate at the end of the path, jump down, quickly run/jump past the tall, corner mausoleum, and turn right into the space between the tall mausoleum and the shorter one next to it.

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Climb on top of the shorter mausoleum, like you did before.

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Turn around and jump onto the tall, corner mausoleum.

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Then take a running jump onto the flat-topped mausoleum on the other side of the path. This time, drop down into the fenced-in area on the right.

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Barge down the door of the tomb with the decorative cross cutout.

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Pick up a Desert Ranger clip (7 or 9) inside.

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Finally, climb up behind the angel statue and push it over to open the LEVEL EXIT.

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Drop into the tunnels.

NOTE: Again, if you chose the Bernard/Doorman route, you should still finish the level with 7/7 pickups. (screenshot) If you came in via FRANCINE'S APARTMENT, you'll have 9/7. (screenshot) If you missed anything, you can climb onto the mausoleum and jump back over the fence. You won't be able to re-enter FRANCINE'S APARTMENT, but you can get everything else in this area.

[Previous (Francine's) | Previous (Doorman) | St. Aicard's Graveyard]

DARK MODE: I plan to add optional dark mode for these pages, but my current priority is updating the walkthroughs. Meanwhile, may I suggest a reputable dark mode browser extension, such as Dark Reader? (Download only from trusted sites, like darkreader.org or your browser's web store.)