St. Aicard's Graveyard - Doorman's Entrance and "Death-Defying" Achievement/Trophy

Tomb Raider Angel of Darkness Remastered screenshot
The Doorman lets Lara into the graveyard at ground level. Turn around and pick up a small medipack (1 - Via Doorman) behind a gravestone to the right of the wooden door.

NOTE: See the note in the main walkthrough about the different number of pickups for the BERNARD/DOORMAN and FRANCINE routes.

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Follow the path away from the door and climb up onto the first mausoleum on the left (i.e., the tall tomb with the door, not the shorter crypts).

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Position Lara about halfway along the long edge of the mausoleum roof and turn about 45 degrees to the left. Save the game before side-flipping over the spike-topped-wall. If you miss the jump, Lara will be impaled.

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If you're successful, she'll sail over the wall into the courtyard below FRANCINE'S APARTMENT.

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Barge down the door opposite the little doghouse. (In the original game, you needed a strength upgrade to do this, but in the remaster Lara already feels strong enough!)

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Pick up the V-packer standard cartridges (2 - via Doorman) to unlock the "Death-Defying" achievement/trophy.

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Return to the courtyard, climb the drainpipe in the corner, and traverse left until you can pull up onto a little balcony.

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Stand beneath the red wire and jump up to grab it. Traverse across the courtyard and drop onto the next balcony. (If Lara won't immediately traverse forward, try pulling her legs up using the Duck button.)

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Follow the balcony around to the end and drop back down onto the mausoleum roof, then the ground.

[Next | St. Aicard's Graveyard Walkthrough]

DARK MODE: I plan to add optional dark mode for these pages, but my current priority is updating the walkthroughs. Meanwhile, may I suggest a reputable dark mode browser extension, such as Dark Reader? (Download only from trusted sites, like darkreader.org or your browser's web store.)