PERUVIAN JUNGLE – Underworld Gate Challenge Tomb

Updated: 2/10/19()

SCORE & TIME ATTACK: If you're playing this tomb from the Challenge Tombs section of the main menu and need tips for the various Attack modes, check out these videos from Treeble: Score Attack or Time Attack.

TOMB ENTRANCE: The entrance to this tomb next to the Jungle Ruins Base Camp. You can also recognize it by the yellow painted decorations. Crawl through the low tunnel to reach the path beyond. Scramble under a spear trap that has already been triggered. Continue along the path to a deep pit. In order to cross, climb the tree on the left just before the edge. Jump forward to grab the horizontal branch, swing forward, jump, and latch onto the climbable wall. Climb around to the left then jump to grab the narrow stone ledge on the wall ahead. Traverse to the left and drop down onto the wooden ledge on the far side of the pit. (screenshots)

Continue to a spear trap, which you can scramble under or trigger by cutting the tripwire. Proceed toward another wooden ledge with a chasm beyond. Just before the ledge on the left is an explorer backpack (2/2). Examine it to reveal a survival cache you haven't found yet. If you missed either of the last two caches, they will be revealed too. (screenshots)

NOTE: Finding the backpack also reveals the location of the level's single treasure chest, back in the first area, near the Plane Wreckage Base Camp. Treasure chests require the LOCKPICK to open, so we'll retrieve later.

To get across the pit, backtrack a little, turn around, then head up the slope on the right. Walk to the end of the fallen tree trunk and jump onto the branch with the white flowers. Jump to grab the branch ahead, swing forward, and jump onto another branch with white flowers. Then jump forward and latch onto the climbing wall. Rappel down so Lara is hanging above the chasm. Swing back and forth to get a little momentum, then jump onto the ledge ahead. Loot the resource canister sitting on the left and continue on. (screenshots)

Rifle through this long-abandoned campsite to find various resources and a document (8/13), At the Gate, from the Search for the Hidden City Story. To get across the next gap, scramble up the wall and latch on to the craggy climbing area above. Climb up and to the left. Then jump to grab the carved stone ledge. As you climb along to the left beneath the carved skulls, there's a scuffle above and a ball with wooden spikes falls past. You'll need to press Interact so Lara doesn't lose her grip. Continue climbing to the left, then jump left to land on the ledge below. (screenshots)

Just ahead you'll discover the Canyon Ruins Base Camp. Stop and make upgrades if you like, then gather some salvage and perception herbs and continue through the narrow gap to the south. Climb the steps to an enclosed chamber. Gather some resources and climb through the opening in the far right corner to emerge on a ledge above a huge cenote. Turn left, run to the end of the wooden ledge, jump, and latch onto the climbing wall beyond. Rappel down until Lara is level with the ledge below. Swing back and forth to build momentum, then jump onto the ledge. Enter the side area on the left to find a vein of gold ore you can mine from the wall and some mushrooms. (screenshots)

Return outside, climb the tree near the wooden barrier, and follow the tutorial to grapple-swing across the gap: Jump out and press Interact to throw the grapple. It should automatically catch onto the vine above, allowing Lara to swing forward and grab the ledge ahead. Enter the cave on the left to find the survival cache (8/9) that was revealed on your map when you found the backpack. There are also a few resources, including a box of black powder, which will be useful for crafting explosive ammo once you unlock the relevant weapons and upgrades. There's also a document (9/13), Finger Length Away, from the Search for the Hidden City Story. (screenshots)

Return to the main path, turn left, and walk across the fallen tree to reach the next ledge. Lara will remark, "Something just moved up ahead." If you look up at the ledge on the left, you can spot a humanoid creature crouched there. What's it doing, preciousss!? Lara can't shoot it or talk to it, so let's move on for now. (screenshots)

NOTE: Jana, from and Wikiraider, tweeted that if you explore this tomb later in the game, Lara will yell, "You don't scare me. I know what you are."

CRANE AND MOVING BOX PUZZLE: The puzzle that will allow you to reach the altar involves a few moving parts: A wooden mechanism with a handle and rope coil attached, a rope-wrapped beam, and a separate crane-like mechanism with a dangling box off in the distance. Start by grabbing the handle and pulling it to rotate the wooden mechanism. Stand under the rope coil and shoot a rope arrow into the rope-wrapped beam on the other side of the gap. Use the rope line to cross the gap and drop down on the other side. (screenshots)

Climb up into the area on the right. Pick up some salvage and black powder on the other side of the wooden handle, then return to this side. Grab the handle and pull it to swing the crane around, bringing the dangling box close to the wooden ledge on the right. The handle moves back to its original position, but the box stays where it is until you pull the handle again. If you try doing this now, the box will move back too fast for Lara to get on top of it, so you'll need to find a way to anchor it. (screenshots)

Jump on top of the box, then back down onto the ledge where you started. Push the first handle back the other way to snap the rope line you made before and reorient the rope coil. Stand underneath the coil and shoot a rope arrow into the rope coil on the dangling box. This will anchor the box temporarily when you move the second handle. Move up the wooden ramp and scramble back onto the box. Then jump down onto the ledge with the second handle. (screenshots)

Pull the second handle again. This starts the box moving back to where it came from. The rope line you made will only hold for a few seconds, so as soon as you've pulled the handle all the way, let it go, run to the wooden ramp and jump onto the box before the rope snaps. Then ride the box around to the south. When the box stops moving, jump down onto the ledge below. Gather some resources here. Then head down the steps to find a mural (5/7) in an alcove. It is Underworld Gate (Mam Dialect/Trials of the Gods Story). (screenshots)

CLIMBING TO THE STELE: To reach the altar with the stele, move to the edge of the ledge to the right of the mural. Jump to grab a handhold on the wall ahead. Even if you make the saving grab, the ledge crumbles, and Lara falls to the handhold below. You may need to press Interact again here to hang on. Climb to the right, then jump and latch onto the craggy wall with your axes. As you begin climbing up, Lara hears activity above, and another of those spiky mud balls plummets past on your right. A few seconds later, a second spiky ball will drop down from directly above, so quickly jump to the right and latch onto the second section of climbable wall. Continue climbing onto the ledge above. (screenshots)

The tomb stele is just ahead on the right. Examine it to unlock Eagle's Perch, a Seeker Skill that passively increases Lara's climbing speed. There are wooden barriers to the left and right when Lara's back is toward the stele. Pull them down with rope arrows to get some gold ore. There's also a resource canister at the top of the altar steps. (screenshots)

RETURNING TO THE BASE CAMP: To get down, head up the steps to the northwest of the altar. Walk out to the end of the jutting stone beam and jump onto the tree branch ahead. Then swing/jump across several branches to the ledge beyond. Continue along the path and out to the end of another fallen tree. Grapple-swing across the next gap. Slide down the muddy slope to land on the path below. Continue to a rope-wrapped tree trunk. Stand near it and shoot a rope arrow into the beam below. Grab the rope and slide down. Follow the path to a ledge and drop down. Turn left and return the way you came, under the spears and through the low tunnel, to get back to Jonah and the Jungle Ruins Base Camp. (screenshots)

[Peruvian Jungle Walkthrough]

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UPDATE HISTORY: 9/16/18 - First draft of walkthrough posted online.
10/2/18 - Added note about Lara's dialogue when she sees the strange creature later in the game.
2/10/19 - Added Score Attack and Time Attack videos, thanks to Treeble.

WAS THIS WALKTHROUGH HELPFUL? If not, I apologize and invite you to contact me with any questions. If you need help right away, I recommend the r/TombRaider subreddit. Other fan-run forums are listed at If this site was useful, please consider supporting it financially or in other ways. For details, visit As always, I welcome your corrections/suggestions. Thank you!

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