The Hidden City – Exploring Uturunku's Crypt After it is Flooded

The previous page explains how to reach the crypt entrance from the Temple of Kukulkan Base Camp. If you raided the crypt earlier, the cavern will now be flooded. You can still reach the survival cache (28/34) and sarcophagus.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider screenshot
From the crypt entrance, follow the dark tunnel to a large cavern. After Lara's earlier explorations, the deep, vertical shaft is now full of water. Swim down to the bottom...

Shadow of the Tomb Raider screenshot
...and through the rectangular doorway to the southeast.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider screenshot
Continue straight on (southeast) along the flooded passageway and squeeze through a narrow gap in the rocks.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider screenshot
Proceed through a room with several blocky, painted columns.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider screenshot
A short distance ahead, the corridor narrows and bears left (northeast).

Shadow of the Tomb Raider screenshot
There's a pocket of trapped air in the ceiling here. Take a breath and continue.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider screenshot
Follow the passageway straight on, through a narrow tunnel with bones scattered along the floor then up a short flight of stairs.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider screenshot
Squeeze through one more narrow gap.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider screenshot
Then you'll emerge in another sinkhole cavern. Swim to the surface to breathe.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider screenshot
The survival cache (28/34) is buried on the northwest side of this cavern. You can probably spot the flashing indicator from the surface.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider screenshot
If you somehow missed the sarcophagus, you can climb the rough wall and ceiling on the northwest side of the cavern then rappel/swing over to the room with the sarcophagus. (The crypt guide has details.)

When you have what you need, return the way you came through the flooded tunnel to the crypt entrance.

RETURNING TO THE CITY: As far as I know, there's no shortcut back to the Temple of Kukulkan Base Camp, so you'll need to climb up to Unuratu's prison cell and use the zip line to slide back down to the island with the rope bridges in the middle of the gorge.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider screenshot
After exiting the crypt, start by climbing down the ledges and around to the left...

Shadow of the Tomb Raider screenshot the ledge with mural #18, where you landed after climbing across the river. Jump to the horizontal pole and swing over to the stone column. Climb around to the other side of the column, then along the overhanging rocks to reach the prison. (The main walkthrough has details and screenshots.)

Shadow of the Tomb Raider screenshot
When you reach the prison, climb into the high window opening and drop down into the cell.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider screenshot
Exit through the small opening on the left and ride the zip line down to the island. Head down the stairs and cross the rope bridge to get back to the rear temple entrance and the Temple of Kukulkan Base Camp. You can now re-enter the temple or fast travel away.

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