Updated: 6/11/16(†)
The challenge for this level is called Cut Short. It involves locating and shooting down 6 walkie talkies, each suspended by a cord from the underside of a tent or canopy. They can be hard to spot, but if you've unlocked the Eye for Detail skill, they will glow in Survival Instinct. Each walkie talkie is shown below and marked with a red dot on the annotated level map. You can also check the main walkthrough for details.
To check your progress on the challenge, open the map screen in game. Then press Y on the controller or click the Missions/Challenges button at the bottom of the map screen. This sub-menu shows active and completed missions and challenges, and lets you toggle between them if you have more than one active at a time.
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The first walkie talkie is hanging from the underside of one of the market stall canopies near the Remnant Bazaar Base Camp. It's the second stall on the west side of the road, near the crate with document #4. (Click screenshot to enlarge.)
The next radio is in the market square with the well, south of the Remnant Bazaar Base Camp but before you enter the catacombs. Look for it hanging from the underside of the yellow-and-white striped awning on the east side of the square. (Click screenshot to enlarge.)
The next walkie talkie is also in the market square with the well. This one is in the stall with the baskets of fruits and vegetables on the west side of the square. (Click screenshot to enlarge.)
This one is hanging in the stall in the southwest corner of the market square, on the left just before you leave the area on the way to the catacombs. (Click screenshot to enlarge.)
During the part where you fight your way through the streets to reach the tower, you'll find the next walkie talkie in the area beyond the metal barrier you destroy with a grenade. If you are backtracking to complete the challenge later, start at the Tower Courtyard Base Camp and head north. The stall with the walkie talkie will then be on your right in the area just before the archway with the stairs leading down. (screenshot) (Click screenshot to enlarge.)
The last walkie talkie is hanging in the stall just to the east of the Tower Courtyard Base Camp—the same stall where you find document #7. (Click screenshot to enlarge.)
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†UPDATE HISTORY: 6/11/16 - Page first posted online.
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