To clear the third set of ice vents, let go of the bomb momentarily and pull the third golden handle all the way out. This temporarily deactivates some of the ice vents in the third trapped section.
Roll the bomb onto the first active ice vent on the left and Jump over it onto the dark vent beyond.
Then carefully grab the bomb, step onto the safe vent on the left, and then maneuver the bomb 2 spaces forward and one to the right, as shown above.
Jump over the bomb again.
Grab it from the other side and roll it around to the left, over 2 dark vents and onto the active vent at the base of the wall (i.e., the third vent from the left corner).
Jump on top of the bomb and then jump up to grab the ledge above. Once you pull up, you're safe and can let the bomb explode.
Follow the ledge to the right. If you're doing the 10-minute time challenge, continue northeast to the final area. If you want to beat the red skull and brazier challenges, don't leave yet. Instead descend the stairs to the long ledge that runs alongside the ice vents.
[Part 2 | Part 4 | Return to the Tomb of Hoarfrost Walkthrough]
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