SECOND CHALLENGE TOMB (Khepri Amphitheater)
Updated: 12/28/14(†)
CHALLENGE TOMB ENTRANCE: The entrance to this Challenge Tomb is located on the far west side of the Khepri Amphitheater section of the Overworld. (screenshot) Its location is marked with a star on the Overworld map. (screenshot)
SINGLE-PLAYER CHALLENGE: Inside the tomb, stand on the tile with the Glyphs of Osiris and raise the staff to extend a column from the floor so you can jump over to the ledge on the right. Grab the time bomb and hold the staff up to prevent the bomb from exploding prematurely as you maneuver it. Start by pushing it onto the scorch mark near the edge of the spike pit. Set a remote bomb behind it and jump across the gap so you're in position to guide the time bomb. Detonate the remote bomb to hurl the time bomb across the gap. (screenshots)
Grab the time bomb and move it onto the pressure pad to temporarily deactivate the flame traps blocking the doorway to the right. Then set a remote bomb to the left of the time bomb. Move past the fire trap, which stays off as long as the ball remains on the pad. Detonate the remote bomb to fling the time bomb across the flames so you catch it and maneuver it close to the next gap above the spikes. (screenshots)
Now do the same thing again: Plant a remote bomb behind the time bomb, jump across the gap so you're in position to guide the time bomb and then detonate the remote bomb to blast the time bomb across the gap. Roll the time bomb onto the square tile to the right. Plant a remote bomb behind the time bomb and then jump onto the bomb to reach the ledge above. When you step on the pressure pad here, the column beneath the bombs rises. Detonate the remote bomb to push the time bomb toward you. Finally guide the bomb over to the crumbling wall and let it explode so you can reach the goodies: the HIGH POWERED ASSAULT RIFLE and a MAX AMMO UPGRADE. (screenshots)
In the single-player game, there are some gems on the ledge in the upper left corner of the tomb. To get them, return to the round pad where the time bombs appear. Grab another time bomb and push it off the edge. Roll it against the ledge and use the bomb to climb up. (screenshot)
When you have everything, drop down and return outside to the main area.
2-PLAYER CO-OP CHALLENGE: In co-op mode the tomb is arranged a little differently, with a grapple ring and a few extra pressure pads. (I don't yet have screenshots for the 2-player game, but it's similar to the multi-player version shown here.) Have Lara grapple the golden ring and climb onto the ledge above. Then move around to the first pressure pad. Meanwhile, Isis or Horus can raise the column and jump over to the ledge with the time bomb, roll the bomb over to the scorch mark near the spike pit, and use a remote bomb to launch the time bomb across the gap toward Lara. (All the while, the Egyptian character must keep the staff raised to prevent the time bomb from exploding.)
Lara should roll the bomb onto the pressure pad. Then both characters should return to the golden ring so Lara can pull the Egyptian up. When both are standing near the pressure pad with the time bomb on it, set a remote bomb behind the time bomb, have both characters move past the flame trap, and then detonate the remote bomb to fling the time bomb past the flames. Maneuver the bomb close to the next gap and use another remote bomb to blast it across.
The spike pit is too wide to jump, so use the bubble shield to boost Lara up onto the ledge with the next pressure pad. She can then grapple the Egyptian up. One character must now stand on the pressure pad here to open the gate on the right so the other character can get through. He or she can then drop down, retrieve the time bomb, and maneuver it onto the square tile next to the ledge. Pant a remote bomb behind the time bomb and then use the time bomb for a boost onto the ledge above. Step on the pressure pad there to raise the column with the bomb. Detonate the remote bomb to push the time bomb toward you.
Finally, while the first player continues to hold the gate open by standing on the second pressure pad, the other can guide the bomb over to the crumbling wall and let it explode so you can reach the goodies: the HIGH POWERED ASSAULT RIFLE and a MAX AMMO UPGRADE. Then drop down and return outside to the main area.
3- or 4-PLAYER CO-OP CHALLENGE: If you have 4 players, one archaeologist and one Egyptian should climb onto the ledge with the golden ring and the other two use the pillar with the glyphs to climb up to the time bomb. If you only have 3 players, have one Egyptian go for the time bomb while the other two characters climb up near the ring. (screenshots)
Grab the time bomb and hold the staff up to prevent the bomb from exploding prematurely as you maneuver it. Start by pushing it onto the scorch mark near the edge of the spike pit. Then use a remote bomb to blast the time bomb across the pit to the characters on the left. (screenshots)
Move the time bomb onto the pressure pad to temporarily deactivate the flame traps blocking the doorway to the right. Set a remote bomb to the left of the time bomb, on the spot with the scorch mark, and move both characters past the fire trap, which stays off as long as the ball remains on the pad. Detonate the remote bomb to fling the time bomb across the flames so you catch it and maneuver it close to the next gap above the spikes. Meanwhile, the characters on the right can move between the columns into the area ahead. (screenshots)
Now do the same thing again: Plant a remote bomb behind the time bomb and detonate it to fling the time bomb across the spikes to the characters on the right. While the characters on the right roll the time bomb onto the square tile, the ones on the left can climb up to the ledge above using the bubble shield and grapple. (screenshots)
Once the bomb is in position on the right, one of the characters on the left should stand on the first pressure pad on that side to raise the column beneath the time bomb. The character holding it can then push it off the column onto the ledge. Now one of the characters on the left should stand on the second pressure pad to open the gate off to the right. Finally guide the bomb over to the crumbling wall and let it explode so you can reach the goodies: the HIGH POWERED ASSAULT RIFLE and a MAX AMMO UPGRADE. When you're finished, drop down and return outside to the main area. (screenshots)
†UPDATE HISTORY: 12/28/14 - First draft of walkthrough posted.
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