STELLA'S LARA CROFT GO WALKTHROUGH - Android, iOS, PS4 and Vita, Steam, and Windows Phone/PC/Tablet


Updated: 3/19/17()

Relic Fragments: 1
Gems: 1

Follow this link for my video walkthrough.

Lara Croft GO screenshot
From the starting point, step forward then right to grab the SPEAR. Then step back to the left.

Lara Croft GO screenshot
Use the spear to kill the snake directly ahead, just beyond the orange pressure pad.

Lara Croft GO screenshot
Step forward onto the orange pad. This triggers the 2 arrow traps. The snake on Lara's left shields her from the first set of arrows, dying in the process. The second set of arrows kills the snake near the lever. The third snake, on Lara's immediate right, remains unharmed.

Lara Croft GO screenshot
Move back off the pad and circle around behind the remaining snake to kill it. Then continue forward to the lever.

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Pull the lever to shift the gray block to the left.

Lara Croft GO screenshot
Move back to the lower left, go around the orange pressure pad—this time there's no snake to protect Lara from the arrows—and continue forward over the gray block to the yellow pressure pad.

Lara Croft GO screenshot
When Lara steps on the yellow pad, the block trap on the ledge above is sprung, pushing the boulder off the ledge.

Lara Croft GO screenshot
Move away from the boulder all the way back to the left corner, near the freestanding pillar. Then move once to the lower right to avoid both the boulder and the orange pressure pad. When Lara reaches this point, the boulder should be between the pressure pad and the arrow trap.

Lara Croft GO screenshot
You can then move onto the pressure pad. The boulder should shield Lara from the arrows before rolling on to stop near the tan pillar.

Lara Croft GO screenshot
Now return to the yellow pressure pad. The block trap above is triggered once more, but the boulder has already rolled so there's no danger.

Lara Croft GO screenshot
Climb onto the ledge above the pressure pad and smash the vase in the background to get a piece of the SACRED BEETLE (7/11).

Lara Croft GO screenshot
Move forward, grab onto the wall and climb to the right below the orange pressure pad. Pull up and step forward to the second lever.

Lara Croft GO screenshot
Pull this lever to activate another block trap on the ledge above and to the left of the exit. This causes a second boulder to roll.

Lara Croft GO screenshot
Step toward the edge, then back to the lever, then forward toward the edge again. As you go, the boulder also moves three times, rolling down onto the middle ledge, forward, and down again onto the yellow pressure pad. This extends the block trap near the orange pressure pad.

Lara Croft GO screenshot
Step onto the orange pad to trigger the arrow trap. The block should protect Lara from the flying arrows.

Lara Croft GO screenshot
You can now proceed to the exit.

Lara Croft GO screenshot
In the next area, move once to the lower right, then once to the lower left.

Lara Croft GO screenshot
Pull the freestanding pillar once toward the lower right.

Lara Croft GO screenshot
Go around to the right side of the pillar...

Lara Croft GO screenshot
...and pull it once more so it's sitting in the middle of the walkway. When you do this, Lara ends up standing on the cracked floor.

Lara Croft GO screenshot
Step off the cracked floor toward the lower right. When you do, the lizard notices Lara and sits up ready to give chase.

Lara Croft GO screenshot
Move twice to the lower left, then once to the upper left. Now push the movable pillar once so it falls through the cracked floor. As you do this, the lizard follows, moving four spaces ahead and ending up in the lower corner.

Lara Croft GO screenshot
To evade the lizard, move once to the upper left, once to the upper right, then hop across the top of the pillar, which is now level with the floor. The lizard follows, ending up in the corner near one of the 2 arrow traps.

Lara Croft GO screenshot
Step onto the orange pressure pad, triggering both arrow traps. The arrows hit the lizard and the snake , disabling them for the next four and five turns, respectively. (The snake also shields Lara from the arrows.)

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Break the vase off to the right to get another OBSIDIAN (9/13). Then make your way directly to the exit before the enemies revive.

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UPDATE HISTORY: 3/19/17 - Walkthrough first posted.

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