STELLA'S LARA CROFT GO WALKTHROUGH - Android, iOS, PS4 and Vita, Steam, and Windows Phone/PC/Tablet


Updated: 3/19/17()

Relic Fragments: 1
Gems: 1

Follow this link for my video walkthrough.

Lara Croft GO screenshot
From the starting point, move around the corner toward the freestanding pillar on the lower level.

Lara Croft GO screenshot
Drag the pillar twice to the left. (As you do this, you'll notice the gray pressure pads control the block traps near the exit. It's not important right now, but you will need to make sure they are retracted later in order to leave.)

Lara Croft GO screenshot
Move back around the corner and climb onto the upper ledge.

Lara Croft GO screenshot
Approach the second movable pillar and pull it twice.

Lara Croft GO screenshot
Climb back down to the lower level and step off the edge.

Lara Croft GO screenshot
Climb to the right twice (passing below the first pillar) but don't pull up yet since there's a spider in your way.

Lara Croft GO screenshot
Instead move left once then back to the right. The spider also moves to the left and then back to the right.

Lara Croft GO screenshot
Pull up onto the ledge and then drag the first pillar once to the right.

Lara Croft GO screenshot
Now climb onto the upper level. As you do this, the spider up there moves off to the right.

Lara Croft GO screenshot
Push the second pillar twice to the left, so it falls off the edge onto the walkway below. The spider turns and moves back toward Lara, but it's still several spaces behind her.

Lara Croft GO screenshot
Drop down to the lower level and move to the left corner. During these three turns, the spider on the upper level moves to the left until it's sitting on top of the second pillar.

Lara Croft GO screenshot
Push the second pillar—with the spider on top of it—once. When the pillar is in position, the spider steps off onto the walkway, in line with the orange pressure pad.

Lara Croft GO screenshot
Move around the corner to the right. As you go, the spider on the upper level moves onto the orange pressure pad, triggering the block trap above, which pushes the boulder off the ledge, crushing the spider.

Lara Croft GO screenshot
Climb onto the upper level and retrieve the SPEAR. While you're at it, smash the vase in the corner near the remaining spider to get another piece of the SACRED BEETLE (4/11). Meanwhile, the boulder rolls off the edge and disappears.

Lara Croft GO screenshot
Once you have the spear, drop down onto the lower walkway on the right side of the first movable pillar. As long as you haven't wasted any turns, the spider, which has been pacing back and forth the whole time, should now have moved into the corner.

Lara Croft GO screenshot
Throw the spear at the spider to disable it for five turns.

Lara Croft GO screenshot
You can now move over the spider and proceed to the exit. Once Lara steps off the pressure pad, the block traps should retract, clearing the way. Be sure to get the SACRED BEETLE fragment in the corner niche if you haven't already done so.

Lara Croft GO screenshot
In the next area, climb the wall to reach the area above.

Lara Croft GO screenshot
Move to the lever on the right and pull it to slide the gray block with the spider on it forward toward the cracked floor.

Lara Croft GO screenshot
Move left twice until Lara is standing by the middle lever. As you do this, the spider also moves twice to the left, over the cracked floor and onto the larger gray block. Pull the lever to slide the gray block with the spider to the left.

Lara Croft GO screenshot
Moving this block also reveals a vase beneath the floor. Smash it to get another OBSIDIAN (4/13).

Lara Croft GO screenshot
Move over to the right lever and then back to the middle lever. As you go, the spider moves onto the second cracked floor tile and then onto the yellow pressure pad, triggering the block trap above, which pushes the freestanding pillar off the ledge, crushing the spider.

Lara Croft GO screenshot
Pull the middle lever again to return the wide gray block to its original position.

Lara Croft GO screenshot
Go around to the left side of the movable pillar and push it twice so it ends up on the left section of cracked floor. Since the spider already stepped there, the pillar will fall through the floor.

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Now that the spider is no longer pinned down by the pillar, it reanimates, moves to the left, and turns around ready to start back to the right.

Lara Croft GO screenshot
Move to the middle lever, then the left lever. As you go, the spider moves forward onto the sunken pillar, turns around, and heads back to the left.

Lara Croft GO screenshot
Pull the left lever to shift the tan block to the left.

Lara Croft GO screenshot
Step to the right and then back to the left. As you do this, the spider moves over the yellow pressure pad and onto the tan block.

Lara Croft GO screenshot
Pull the left lever again to shift the tan block—with the spider on top—back to the right.

Lara Croft GO screenshot
Step to the right and then back to the left. As you do this, the spider moves onto the orange pressure pad, triggering the block trap above, which rolls the boulder off the ledge, crushing the spider and immobilizing it for five turns.

Lara Croft GO screenshot
In subsequent turns, the boulder rolls off the edge, leaving a clear path to the exit.

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UPDATE HISTORY: 3/19/17 - Walkthrough first posted.

WAS THIS WALKTHROUGH HELPFUL? If not, I apologize and invite you to contact me with any questions. If you need help right away, I recommend the r/TombRaider subreddit. Other fan-run forums are listed at If this site was useful, please consider supporting it financially or in other ways. For details, visit As always, I welcome your corrections/suggestions. Thank you!

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