Stella's Walkthroughs - Tomb Raider Legend for Nintendo Game Boy Advance
CROFT MANOR | Updated: 4/15/09(†) |
NOTE: Croft Manor is Lara's home. It's not a full level and there are no particular goals, except to find additional bronze, silver and gold rewards. You can go to the Croft Manor level at any time during the game, and you can explore the rooms in any order; however, some of the rewards are not available until after you've completed the main game.
ENTRANCE HALL: From the entrance, go up the stairs to the right and through the brown door between the stained glass windows to enter a BROWN HALLWAY WITH RED SOFAS. Take a few steps to the left and go through the double doors. The painting of the man just inside the next room glows a bit. Stand in front of it and press Up on the control pad to make a gold reward appear to the left. Get it and return to the left to the BROWN HALLWAY WITH RED SOFAS. Continue to the left and go through the next set of double doors. In the green room beyond, stand near the billiard table and press Up to make a bronze reward appear. Get it and return to the right to the BROWN HALLWAY WITH RED SOFAS.
Continue to the left and go to the white double doors to a ROOM WITH CARVED OWL. Stand in front of the big eagle carving and press Up to take another bronze reward.
Go through the white door on the right into the SWIMMING POOL. Climb down the ladder into the pool to get a bronze reward. Climb back out and go through the door to the right. Next comes a GRAY ROOM WITH A CARVED OWL ABOVE THE DOOR. Go to the left and activate the statue to get a silver reward.
Return through the door where you entered. Go through the SWIMMING POOL room and out the other door. Go through the owl room and out the other door. Now you're back in the BROWN HALLWAY WITH RED SOFAS. Go all the way to the right to exit.
Back in the MAIN HALL, go to the right and up the stairs, then through the first door you come to into a ROOM WITH A WARDROBE AND THREE SQUARE RUGS. Stand above the rightmost rug and press Up to collect a hidden bronze reward. Go to the right to enter a WOOD PANELED ROOM WITH A WARDROBE. Stand in front of the wardrobe and press Up to make a silver reward appear to the right. Get it and exit the way you came. Go through the room with the three square rugs and out the doors to the MAIN HALL.
Continue to the right and up the stairs. Go through the next door into a ROOM WITH CARVED FACES on the walls. Activate the glowing statue by pressing Up in order to make another silver reward appear.
If you go to the right, you'll emerge in the BROWN HALLWAY WITH RED SOFAS, which was covered above. Go all the way to the right end of that room to emerge back in the MAIN HALL.
As far as I know, that's it for Croft Manor.
†UPDATE HISTORY: 3/15/07 - Walkthrough first posted.
4/15/09 - Added note about some rewards not being available when you first start playing the game.
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