Stella's Walkthroughs - Tomb Raider: Legend for Nintendo DS
WARNING: The save system in this game is broken. Autosave checkpoints appear to register, and if Lara dies the game usually resumes at the last checkpoint. However, at least for some of the checkpoints, if you quit the game and/or turn off the DS, the game will resume at the beginning of the level, rather than at the most recent checkpoint. If you can't make it all the way through a level in one sitting, pause the game and close the DS so it goes into hibernation. Plug in the DS charger so it doesn't lose power while you're away. Then, when when you return and open the DS, it should start up where you left off, with the game paused.
LEVEL 4: GHANA | Updated: 1/13/07(†) |
WATERFALL: After the initial cut scene comes a CHECKPOINT. Follow the path and take a running jump at the end to dive into the pool. There's a bronze reward underwater on the left side of the pool. Get it then swim to the right and climb out of the water. Climb the rocks and jump to grab the dangling rope. Lara's weight pulls it down. Drop to the ground and use the grapple to pull the drawbridge down. A lovely cinematic shows the water parting to reveal the temple. The next CHECKPOINT follows Lara's meeting with Rutland.
INSIDE THE RUINS: Follow the hall. Jump from chain to chain to clear the pool whose strong current prevents Lara from swimming to the right. Kill the mercenary blocking the path and continue on. Jump over one set of spears. Step on the pressure pad to open the door ahead, run forward, jump over 2 sets of spears, and run through the door before it closes.
WATERWHEEL ROOM: There are 3 mercenaries in the large room ahead. They drop various goodies when you kill them (shotgun, SMG, health pack). Head to the right, collecting 2 bronze rewards: one beneath the second stone platform, the other in the far right corner.
Ignore the dangling rope and statue on the left side of the room. Proceed to the middle of the room, climb onto the low stone wall and jump onto the suspended metal platform. Face right and use the grapple to pull the platform, with Lara on it, toward the right. Jump onto the ledge with the barrel and crates. Take a running jump to grab the dangling rope. Swing and jump to grab the waterwheel. Swing around and jump to grab the ladder high on the right wall. Climb to the top.
LEDGES & LADDERS: Take a running jump to the left across the gap where you climbed up. To get the bronze reward behind the pillar, you have to either blow into the microphone to sweep away the leaves or tap the stylus repeatedly on the touch pad. Jump back across the gap and continue to the right.
Climb the ladder and jump to grab the crevice to the left. Climb to the left across several ledges to another ladder. Climb up then proceed to the right. Take a running jump down to the next ledge and kill the leopard. Climb up on the right and go up the stairs to a CHECKPOINT.
Go all the way to the right for another bronze reward. Return to the left, climb onto the rocks and jump onto the first of the 2 balanced blocks. Run across it and jump to the other block. Before it descends too far, run across it and jump to grab the short ladder. Climb up and continue to the right.
POOL & RAFT: Drop down into a pool. Swim to the raft and climb onto it. Use the grapple to pull the raft, with Lara on it, to the right. When you get the raft all the way to the right, pick up the silver reward underwater and then climb back onto the raft. Jump to the ledge and continue to the right.
MORE LEDGES & LADDERS: At the far right is an alcove with another silver reward. Get it and backtrack to the left. Climb onto the low wall and jump to grab the ladder. Climb to the top and then jump onto the nearest of the 2 balanced blocks. (Don't try and jump from the ladder or Lara will fall.) Take a running jump across to the second block, then another running jump to the ledge on the right. A brief cut scene shows where to go next.
Grapple-swing across the gap to the next ledge on the right. Take a running jump to the next. Move behind the big rock and jump to grab the crevice to the right. Traverse along several crevices to a ledge with some crates and a CHECKPOINT.
Follow the ledge to the right and drop into the pool. Swim down and to the left to get a gold reward. Rocks block the way to the left, so surface, swim to the right and climb out of the water.
Cross the ledge and climb down the ladder. Climb the crevices upward and to the right to another ladder. Climb down and kill the leopard at the bottom.
Run to the left and jump to grab the next ladder. Climb down. Drop into the pit and get the bronze reward. Return to the left side of the pit and grab onto the rim. Jump to grab the moving wheel and ride it upward. Swing around the post and jump to the ledge on the right.
SPEARS & WHIRLING BLADES: Stay toward the outside of the path as you pass 3 sets of retracting spears. To navigate the high and low whirling blades, first stand as close as possible to the first blade without injuring Lara. Then, as the first begins to approach but has not yet reached Lara, roll under it (R + B). When Lara stands, immediately take a running jump over the lower blade. The timing for this sequence is a bit tricky. Start rolling under the higher blade when it's about halfway along its track, heading toward Lara. That way, when Lara goes under it and then stands up, the blade will be behind her, just getting ready to move back toward the right.
Beyond the whirling blades are 2 more sets of retracting spears. Stay toward the outside of the path as you pass them. Continue to the next CHECKPOINT.
Next comes another set of high and low whirling blades, then another set of retracting spears. Use the same techniques described above to get past them.
ROLLING BOULDER: As Lara starts down the slope, a brief cut scene shows a huge boulder start to roll toward her. Start running as soon as you regain control. As you run, jump over the low spears, run under the high ones (no need to roll), jump over another low set of spears and then jump once more to clear the shallow pit. The boulder stops at the pit and Lara is safe.
POOL WITH HORIZONTAL BARS ABOVE: There's a tempting horizontal bar ahead, but ignore it and drop into the water below. Swim to the right, then under the rock wall and up to get the concealed silver reward. Come to the surface to the right of the reward and climb out of the water on the small ledge. Climb the wall and take a running jump to grab the horizontal bar to the right. Swing around and jump to grab the rock ledge ahead. Continue right to another CHECKPOINT.
Jump onto the metal platform and ride down. Take a running jump to the stone ledge on the right. If at any point during the following sequence Lara falls into the water, she can climb out on the right side of that ledge.
Take a running jump to grab the stationary metal platform to the right. Jump from there to the next ledge, then to the horizontal bar. Swing and jump to the next ledge. Climb the right wall and get another bronze reward.
Take a running jump to grab the horizontal bar to the left. Swing around and jump to grab the ledge to the left. Pull up. Then take a running jump to grab another horizontal bar just above the previous one. Swing and jump to the right. Climb to the top of the ledge, take a running jump to grab the next horizontal bar to the right. (To make sure Lara catches the bar, be sure to run along the middle of the ledge just behind the rock that blocks your view of Lara.) Swing to the next ledge.
SPIKE PITS & WOODEN BRIDGES: Follow the path up the stairs and take running jumps across the 2 pits lined with deadly spikes. Cross the wooden bridge, climb the ledge, turn back toward the left and jump to grab the horizontal bar. Swing around and jump to grab the next bar. Swing and jump over the rock wall. Climb the wall to the highest handholds. Jump to grab another horizontal bar above the others. Swing to the next bar and from there, jump to the ledge. Continue to the right. Cross a series of wooden bridges, dealing with 3 mercenaries along the way.
STAIRS WITH ROLLING BOULDERS: Approach the stone ledge ahead but don't climb up yet. Stand next to it or hang from the edge and wait for a huge boulder to roll down from above. After it passes, climb up and take a running jump to grab the dangling rope. Swing to the next ledge and immediately climb up onto the higher ledge to the right to avoid another boulder.
Step on the pressure pad to open the door ahead. Run up the hall and through the door before it closes. (Roll under the door if necessary.)
FIGHTING RUTLAND: There is no checkpoint at the start of the battle. So if Lara dies, you'll have to start way back at the metal platforms. (Bad design in my opinion.) The room where Lara confronts James Rutland contains 3 pedestals, which he can use to magically heal himself. Until these are destroyed, you can shoot at him all you want but he'll just jump onto one of the pedestals, regenerate and come back at you.
So, at the start of the battle, concentrate on destroying the pedestals while dodging Rutland's attacks—grenades tossed from a distance and slashes with his sword fragment at close range.
Use the grapple to pull down the pedestals at the sides of the room: Position Lara to the side of either pedestal so the 'X' icon is visible on screen. Grapple with X then pull with Pad Left or Right. To destroy the center pedestal, position Lara near the middle of the room facing the pedestal so the red targeting reticle is visible. Shoot the pedestal a few times and it will collapse.
Once all 3 pedestals have been destroyed, Rutland loses his ability to heal and you can defeat him with your weapon of choice. After the movie it's on to a new level.
CROFT MANOR: Completing Ghana opens the last door leading out of the main hall in Lara's home. If you like, you can explore there and pick up a few more rewards.
†UPDATE HISTORY: 1/4/07 - Walkthrough first posted.
1/13/07 - Added the technique of blowing into the microphone to dust off certain rewards, thanks to my son, Max.
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