Temple of the Cat - Rooms with Pressure-Pad Doors and Mummies
"Not the First Raider Here" Achievement/Trophy

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After exploring the underwater rooms and using the lever, as shown in the previous section, go through the door you just opened. (The door leading back to the room with the spike pit will be closed now.)

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This next room has pressure pads decorated with pharaoh faces on the floor.

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Step on both pads and the doors open. There are 2 mummies (19-20) beyond, which must be dispatched. If you have shotgun ammo to spare, I'd suggest using it. Stay inside the room with the pressure pads to kill the first mummy without animating the second.

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Then step forward to animate the second and hop back firing.

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Three well-aimed blasts should do the trick.

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When the coast is clear, enter and flip the 2 switches. One moves the boulder (7/9) blocking the west doorway. The other opens a door back in the ROOM WITH TIERED LEDGES AND RUNNING CAT MOTIFS, as well as another door in the room behind the boulder.

NOTE: This boulder is not actually a hazard, since there's no danger, but it does count toward the "Roll, Action!" achievement/trophy.

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Stand in the doorway that was previously blocked by the boulder and take a running jump to the alcove with the small medi pack (37).

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This awakens the hibernating crocodile (21), which you can then shoot with pistols from the safety of the alcove. When it's dead, hop down and pick up the shotgun shells and magnum clips (38-39) Climb into the doorway near where you got the ammo and pull up onto the ledge above.

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Before moving on, turn around and check out the carving of the modern adventurer on the west wall to unlock the "Not the First Raider Here" achievement/trophy ("stare at Lara's ancient image on the wall for 5 seconds").

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Follow the passage to an opening where you can drop into the pool in the ROOM WITH TIERED LEDGES AND RUNNING CAT MOTIFS.

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Climb the ledges to the southwest corner room (to the left of the barred archway) to find the door you just opened.

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DARK MODE: I plan to add optional dark mode for these pages, but my current priority is updating the walkthroughs. Meanwhile, may I suggest a reputable dark mode browser extension, such as Dark Reader? (Download only from trusted sites, like darkreader.org or your browser's web store.)