Temple of the Cat - Underwater Rooms

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After navigating the SIDE ROOM WITH SLOPES AND SPIKES, as shown in the previous section, go through the door you just opened into a small room with a water-filled opening in the floor. Since it's easy to get disoriented here, I've made another map (below). It doesn't include all the barred windows, just the walls, openings and other major features. The blue square labeled 'H' is the hole where you jump into the water from the room above.

Temple of the Cat Detail (underwater rooms)

NOTES: One shotgun blast will kill the croc, but luring it to the opening can take a while, and it may get stuck, requiring you to swim close to it and draw it out. If you don't care about getting all the kills, you can just avoid the croc while you do the necessary business here. Or, you can instead swim clockwise all the way around the perimeter of the room from the entrance hole to the lever and back. If you go this way, the crocodile won't appear, but you'll miss one of the ammo pickups, and you'll have just enough air to make it if you don't hesitate at all.

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Stand at the hole facing north (i.e., open doorway on Lara's left). Swim down and forward, through the small opening straight ahead at floor level.

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Following the path marked with blue dots in the diagram, swim to the middle of the underwater room and pick up some Uzi clips (35). You can surface in this room to get air if you need it, but there's no place to climb out of the water. After a moment, a crocodile (18) enters through one of the openings in the east wall. You can either out-swim it or return to the opening where you started, climb out, and shoot it.

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If you choose to lure the croc back to the opening to kill it, be prepared for a little frustration. This croc is a glitchy little bastard. He'll often get stuck in the east wall of the central room...

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...or in this block between the west wall and the central room. You may need to swim close in order to get its attention, then lure it back to the hole...

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...climb out, and blast it with the shotgun. One direct hit should kill it, but luring it within range could take a while.

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Next, from the opening in the floor, again swim down to the bottom. (Notice the switch on the other side of the bars. That's where we're eventually headed.) Continue along the path marked in blue on the map, across the center room, where you found the first Uzi ammo...

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...and through the raised opening in the far right (northeast) corner.

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Turn left into the northeast corner room, where you'll find more Uzi clips (36) on the floor.

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Grab them, then roll and swim back along the left (east) wall, now following the path marked in red on the map.

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If you need air, return through the small square opening on the right and head for the ceiling to breathe (blue path). Otherwise, continue along the left (east) wall to the corner (red path). Turn right and swim through another raised opening.

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Pull the lever on the left (south) wall to open the next gold door in the room above.

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The metal bars prevent you from heading directly to the exit, so swim back to the corner, turn left, and continue forward, now following the path marked with orange dots on the map. About halfway along the right (east) wall, swim through the raised opening on the left, into the center room.

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Swim up to the ceiling for air if you need it, then on through the raised opening in the far left (southwest) corner. Swim up to the hole in the ceiling and climb out of the water.

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Go through the door you just opened. (The door leading back to the room with the spike pit will be closed now.)

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DARK MODE: I plan to add optional dark mode for these pages, but my current priority is updating the walkthroughs. Meanwhile, may I suggest a reputable dark mode browser extension, such as Dark Reader? (Download only from trusted sites, like darkreader.org or your browser's web store.)