Return to Egypt - Secret #3

Stand in the opening at the top of the stairs, above the carved pillar where you got the shotgun shells, and face out over the cave. Hop back from the edge and then take a running jump to grab the ledge ahead and pull up.

Cross the ledge and look ahead and to the left, where you'll notice some shotgun shells on a high ledge (circled in the screenshot above). That's where you're headed.

To get there, first turn around so Lara's back is to the open cave. Sidestep to the right as far as you can. Then jump to the right to land on a sloped block facing uphill.

Slide back, grab the edge and traverse to the right until you can pull up on a flat spot.

Turn around again and take a running jump to the ledge with secret #3—shells or the SHOTGUN itself if you didn't get it earlier. To get down, safety drop to the greenish-tan rocks below. Then drop/slide to the ground.

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