Return to Egypt - Pool Near Cat Temple and
"That Belongs in a Museum!" Achievement/Trophy

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After retrieving secret #1 and swimming through the wide passageway to the west, as shown in the previous section, surface in the next area and swim to the right. Climb out of the water in the rectangular doorway.

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A panther (6 or 2)* lurks inside the room (2 panthers if you didn't kill the other one through the fence earlier). Run into the room, jump past the panther...

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...roll, shoot, and repeat. There's not much room to maneuver here, but try not to let the panther back Lara against a wall, since it's hard to get free if that happens.

NOTE: If you've been killing crocodiles as you go along and want to conserve health here, you can trigger the panther, jump in the water, swim through the passageway back to the first pool, and shoot the panther through the windows or fence (not shown). This is time-consuming, but might be useful for a no-medi pack run.

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When the coast is clear, pick up a small medi pack (12) and a box of shotgun shells (13) in this room...

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...plus the SHOTGUN (14) and another box of shells (15) in the sandy area outside.

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Before moving on, vault up onto the low ledge above where the shotgun was lying. Turn right...

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...and approach the raised niche. Looking at the small Egyptian vase inside unlocks the achievement/trophy "That Belongs in a Museum!"

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Now head to the far end of the sandy walkway, overlooking the pool near the CAT TEMPLE. Swim across the pool toward the three painted columns in the northwest corner. As you go, another crocodile (7 or 2)* appears in the northeast corner of the pool between the cat temple and the panther room. Retrieve the shotgun shells (16) on the bottom near the green boulder. Then quickly climb out on the base of one of the columns or on the sand behind them.

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Notice the gold door on the west wall. We'll open it shortly. Follow the sandy ledges around to the right...

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...until you can jump onto the gold wall surrounding the cat statue. If you like, you can jump over to to the gold wall in front of the statue...

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...in order to shoot the 3 panthers (8-10 or 3-5)* that appear on the ledges high above. Two on the brown rocks opposite the temple...

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...and one on the ledge above the rectangular doorway. It's not necessary to kill them since you won't be going up there, but you can do it if you want to. Just take care not to accidentally target the crocodiles if you're working on that challenge.

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Jump into the small pool below the cat statue and pull the lever on the right to open the gold door above.

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To get out of the pool, pull up on the slanted ledge behind the cat statue and quickly backflip to land on the pedestal.

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Now, head for the gold door.

*NOTE: The running kill counts track the total with or without crocodiles. You'll need to avoid harming any crocs for the "Crocodile Rock" achievement/trophy.

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DARK MODE: I plan to add optional dark mode for these pages, but my current priority is updating the walkthroughs. Meanwhile, may I suggest a reputable dark mode browser extension, such as Dark Reader? (Download only from trusted sites, like darkreader.org or your browser's web store.)