After filling the pool, killing the gunman, and picking up the items on the ledges, as shown in part 1, dive into the pool and take the HAND OF RATHMORE from the low pedestal. (The sparkling mutagen won't harm Lara now that the pool is flooded.)
Taking the artifact opens the door at one end of the pool. Get air if you need it, then swim through that door into a dolphin tank.
Pull the lever on the left wall to open a second door at the other end of the tank, letting in a mutant fish.
Either harpoon the mutant or lure it into the previous pool...
...and head for the surface.
Then climb out on the ledge and shoot the mutant with pistols.
Swim through the tank with the lever and then turn right into the mutant fish's tank.
You'll find Uzi clips on the bottom of the tank at the far end.
Swim back to the corner room and up through the square opening in the ceiling.
Continue swimming straight up the vertical shaft.
Climb out onto a large, floating buoy. Step off the edge toward the inflatable boat to end the level.
[Part 1 | Return to the Sleeping with the Fishes Walkthrough]
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