NOTE: Letter designations for switches (S#), doors (D#), save crystals (C#), etc., in the text refer to labels on the corresponding level maps. The switches are numbered to match their corresponding doors (e.g., switch 1 opens door 1, switch 3 extends ledge 3, etc.). All pickups are marked on the map (I hope). Enemies and hazards are noted in the walkthrough but not on the maps.

Treasure Chambers B - Map 1 (click for printable map/map key)

You begin the level near the top left of the map (at the doorway marked "A"). The first save crystal (C1) is just to the right. Roll through the hidden passage to the left to get a small medipak and heavy bullets. Roll back out and continue to the right.

The gold trapdoor (D1) opens as you approach. Jump over it and use a switch you can't see (S2) behind the pink column to open the blue door (D2). Enter the room and get heavy and rapid bullets, a small medipak and dynamite on the two ledges.

Exit and safety drop through the trapdoor (D1). Carefully run or roll past the slicing blades to the left, picking up a small medipak as you go. Jump to the thin, pink ledge. Safety drop to the ledge below and shoot the mercenary before hopping down. Go to the right and use the rungs on the ceiling to monkey swing over the spike pit. Drop onto the wall with the large medipak and shoot another mercenary before jumping down.

Climb the ladder to the right to find a save crystal (C2) and a red switch (S3). Use the switch to open the gold trapdoor (D3) on the other side of the spike pit. When you go back to the left, the slicing blades are activated, so go carefully. Traverse back across the spike pit and climb down the ladder below the trapdoor.

At the bottom go right and take a running jump across the gap. Be careful not to run on into the spike pit. Climb down the ladder and pick up dynamite to the left (if you don't already have some). Use it to blow up the gray door and get the small medipak and heavy bullets. Go back to the left for more dynamite and blow up the second gray door. Pick up more dynamite on the other side. Climb up on the wall to the right, shoot the snake on the next ledge over and then hop down on the right. Continue right, past a ladder leading up.

(NOTE: There's a small room with a gray door and a red switch at the top of this first ladder. Above that is the locked door that you come to later from above. I've marked the switch "S?" on the map. I'm not sure what it does. If you have any ideas, please let me know.)

Climb the next ladder and continue up and to the right to a tall room with thin, pink ledges. When you approach the white break-away tiles, they crumble and you can climb down into the room below to get dynamite (if you don't have any) and heavy bullets. Climb back up the ladder.

Climb the thin, pink ledges, ducking to avoid the darts. At the top, jump to the ledge on the right to get a DOOR KEY (K). Use the red switch (S4) to open the blue door (D4) to the left. (The gold trapdoor above stays closed for now.) Jump over to the blue door and go through. Climb down the long ladder on the other side. There's a save crystal (C3) at the bottom of the ladder.

Jump the gap and use the DOOR KEY to unlock the blue door (D5). Go through the hidden passage to the left to get a small medipak, rapid bullets and dynamite (if you don't have any). Use the red switch (S6) to open the gold trapdoor (D6) at the top of the room with the thin, pink ledges. Jump back to the crystal and climb the ladder to the top.

Jump the gap to the right and then climb up through the open trapdoor (D6) to a carved green doorway at the top right corner of the map (marked "B"). Go through to a new area.

Treasure Chambers B - Map 2 (click for printable map/map key)

You enter this area through the carved green doorway (marked "B") at the top left of the map. Climb down to the right. Ahead is a shallow pit with 2 scorpions and a small medipak. The ledge above has a large medipak, rapid bullets and a snake. Get all the goodies and continue to the right to find a save crystal (C4).

Climb the ladder and make your way across to the right corner of the map. You'll go down two levels and then up two, and find the following kills and pickups as you go: rapid bullets, heavy bullets, 2 mercenaries, a small medipak and another mercenary.

At the edge of the map, climb down the long ladder and then another shorter ladder, past some dart traps. Roll under the wall and hop down on the other side. If you have dynamite, use it to blow up the gray door. Otherwise, climb down the ladder ahead to get some and then climb back up.

Behind the gray door, drop down near a small medipak, and then drop down one more level. Use the switch (S7) to open the gold trapdoor (D7). When the spikes retract, hop down into the pit. Immediately move to the left side and duck. Lara will pick up the 2 small medipaks. When the spikes retract again, stand and jump straight up to grab the left side of the opening and climb out. Climb back out of the room and continue down and to the left.

At the bottom of the ladder you'll find more dynamite and a save crystal (C5). Shoot the mercenary on the low wall ahead. Climb over and continue left.

When you come to a blue door (D13c), which isn't open yet, climb the ladder above and to the right. The gold trapdoor (D8) at the top opens as you approach. Climb through and go to the right. (The blue door on the left, D12, stays closed for now.) The next gold trapdoor (D9), just to the right, also opens automatically. Drop through the opening and use the switch (S10) to the left. This opens the blue door (D10) just to the right. Go through and climb the ladder. Shoot a bat and pick up a small medipak at the top.

Climb the next ladder, jump to the ledge on the right and shoot 2 scorpions. Climb the next ladder and jump to the ledge with save crystal (C6). Shoot the ceiling switch (S11) to extend a ladder (L11) on the other side of the gauntlet of traps. Carefully make your way through the blades and retracting spikes.

If you didn't extend the ladder, don't bother going back. Just safety drop off the ledge to land on the one below. (You may want to do that anyway, since making the running jump to the ladder is difficult due to the spikes.) There's a second ceiling switch (S12) here. Shoot this one to open a blue door (D12) below. If you have dynamite, use it to blow up the gray door. Jump to grab the ladder and climb down into a room with 2 small medipaks and heavy bullets. Climb back out.

Hop down from the ledge below the ceiling switch. Safety drop off the next ledge to land near the gold trapdoor (D8) where you came up earlier. (If you just step off the ledge, it's a long fall.)

Go through the blue door on the left (D12). Climb onto the ledge with the small medipak. Climb the ladder above past some dart traps. Shoot the mercenary at the top from the ladder before jumping over. Hop down on the left side, pick up another small medipak and jump over to the switch (S13). Shoot 2 bats and use the switch to open several blue doors (D13a - c) down below. Climb down the ladder past more dart traps. Drop to the ground next to another small medipak and go to the left to the blue door (D13a) you just opened.

Take a running jump across the gap to the left. Use the save crystal (C7) and then climb down the ladder to the right. The 2 blue doors to the right (D13a and b) are open now. Go through and climb onto the ledge between the doors. Use the switch (S14) to open yet another blue door (D14) above.

Drop down, go to the left and climb back up the ladder to the previous save crystal (C7). Climb the ladder to the left of the crystal. Shoot the scorpion on the ledge and jump over to it. Climb to the ledge at the top left of this room, where you'll find the blue door you just opened (D14) and the SNAKE KEY (SK).

After getting the key, you'll have to backtrack to the entrance: Climb all the way down the left side of the map. Then go to the right along the bottom of the map. You'll go through the 2 blue doors with the switch above, The way is straight and flat until you have to climb over a low wall. Beyond that, you'll find some dynamite and pass save crystal C5 again. Climb the ladder and then work your way up the right side of the map to the top. At the top right, backtrack to the left past save crystal C4 to the door where you came into this area (marked "B" on the map). Go through.

Treasure Chambers B - Map 1 (again)

You re-enter this map through doorway "B". Drop through the trapdoor (D6). Jump over to the right (where blue door D4 is) and climb down the ladder to the save crystal (C3). Jump the gap to the left and climb the ladder on the other side (above the keyhole).

At the top of the ladder, go to the left. Kill the mercenary and continue left, past a huge green carving with a gold border. Shoot the ceiling switch (S15) to open the blue door (D15) below. Drop down and enter the room with the huge snake statue.

Use the SNAKE KEY at the diamond-shaped hole on the left side of the snake to make it drop its remaining eye. This also opens the blue door to the left (D16). Now that you have the SNAKE EYE, exit through the carved doorway to the left (marked "C" on the map).

Treasure Chambers B - Map 3 (click for printable map/map key)

You enter this map at the middle left (at the point marked "start"). Climb the ladder to find a save crystal (C8) and then climb down the other side. Go to the right, past an ornate altar with a big blue gem. Continue past two gold trapdoors (D1a and b) to a ladder on the right edge of the map. Climb to the top and shoot the ceiling switch (S1) to open the trapdoors (D1a and b) below. Climb down and jump over the first opening with the spikes below. Climb down the ladder below the second trapdoor.

Shoot 2 scorpions and climb the short ladder on the left to the next save crystal (C9). Shoot the ceiling switch (S2) to open two of the 3 gold trapdoors ahead (D2a and b). (The middle one, D7, opens from below.)

Climb down the ladder below the leftmost trapdoor (D2b). Note the gray door to the left. Climb down two ledges to find some dynamite. Climb back up to the gray door and blow it up. Inside, climb the ladder and jump to the ledge with the small medipak and heavy bullets. Get the goodies and climb back down to the ledge where you found the dynamite to find it has respawned.

Climb down the ladder and cross to the right over a gold trapdoor (D4). There's a mercenary guarding the red switch (S3) on the ledge above. Shoot him and then climb up and use the switch to open the blue door (D3) below. Use the second red switch (S4) on the higher ledge, to open the gold trapdoor (D4). Climb down and go through the trapdoor to find a save crystal (C10).

Shoot the 2 scorpions in the pit to the right. Go right, jump to grab the ladder and climb down. Continue down and to the left, past a blue door (D5) and a set of slicing blades. Climb the ladder on the right wall and shoot the ceiling switch (S5) to open the blue door (D5). Return past the blades to the blue door, grab the large medipak and use the red switch (S6) to open the gold trapdoor (D6) near the ceiling switch you used just before. Return through the blades and up the ladder. Jump to the ledge with the gold trapdoor. Safety drop into the spike pit on the right side as the spikes retract and get out of the way quickly. Pick up the FIRST DOOR KEY (K) and climb out as fast as you can.

Climb back out of this area through the trapdoor (D4) above the save crystal (C10). Go to the right through the blue door (D3) you opened earlier. Climb the ladder just above the blue door and shoot the mercenary at the top. Climb the next ladder and a ledge to reach a red switch (S7). Use this to open the gold trapdoor (D7) above and climb up through it. Go to the right toward the save crystal (C9). Climb down the ladder below the trapdoor nearest the crystal (D2a).

Go to the right, past a couple of snakes, and drop down to a ledge where you'll find dynamite if you don't already have some. There's a mercenary on the level below. Before jumping down to confront him, use the Look button (Start + Control Pad) to look down. This will trigger 2 bats, which you can kill first. Then you won't have to fight them all at once, and you can use heavy/rapid bullets on the merc without wasting them on the bats. Grab the large medipak under the ledge and head to the left.

Shoot the snake on the ledge above the short ladder. Climb to the ledge above and use the red switch (S8) to open the blue door (D8) below. Climb down and go right.

Take a running jump from the ledge to grab the ladder on the right wall. Climb down and go to the left past a gold trapdoor (D9). Climb down to the gray door. Use dynamite to blow it up and pull the red switch (S9) behind it to open the gold trapdoor above.

If you want all the pickups, go to the right, through the slicing blades. Climb the ladder and pick up dynamite on the wall and a large medipak, heavy and rapid bullets in the pit behind it. Return to the left and climb back up to the gold trapdoor (D9). In the pit below you'll find the SECOND DOOR KEY.

Climb out of the pit. Go to the right, climb the ladder at the right edge of the map and backflip to the ledge. Return to the left, roll under the low overhang with the ladder above, and go through the blue door (D8) you opened earlier. Climb the ladder above the next blue door (D3) and then two more ladders to return to the level with the three trapdoors and save crystal (C9).

Go to the right, jump the first trapdoor opening and continue past the crystal. Climb down one ladder and up another, emerging through one of the trapdoors you opened before (D1a). Go to the left past the ALTAR and climb onto the wall with the save crystal (C8) near the starting point.

Jump to grab the ladder to the left. At the top, jump to grab the ladder on the right and climb up past some retracting spikes. Watch out for more retracting spikes at the top. Climb down the ladder on the right side of the wall (or roll to the right under the spikes and fall to the ledge below). Continue to the right. Climb the ladder on the right and shoot the mercenary above and to the left.

Use one of your DOOR KEYS in the keyhole to the right. This opens the gold trapdoor above (D10). (You can't climb up there, but this will enable you to operate the altar shortly.) Use the SNAKE EYE in the receptacle with the pink ring near the blue door (D11) to open the door.

Use the save crystal (C11). Slide down the ramp and jump at the end to miss the spike pit and land on the ledge. Safety drop off the right side of the ledge, slide down another ramp and jump over another spike pit to grab the ladder ahead. Climb up. Go to the left to find another keyhole where you can use the SECOND DOOR KEY. If you've used both keys, the trapdoor above the altar (D12) will open and a cut scene will ensue. (Otherwise, you'll need to get and use the other DOOR KEY in the lock at the top of the map to open trapdoor D10.)

CUT SCENE: Brilliant light shafts down from above, shattering the blue gem on the altar and revealing a glowing, golden object.

Drop down through the trapdoor or, if you're low on health, climb down the ladder to the right. Take the THIRD PANEL PIECE (PP) from the altar to end the level.

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