The following walkthrough was created by Eldin to help other gamers who might be having trouble beating the Anniversary time trials.
Before you start, be sure to review the General Time Trial Tips & Strategy if you haven't done so already. You can also find the regular walkthrough for this level here.
Time Limit: 16:15 At the beginning of the level make sure to turn on the cheats as shown in the picture. If you've been doing the time trials in order, you will have unlocked the Infinite Health cheat so no need to worry about Lara's health and collecting medpacks anymore.
Now, "Swan Dive Jump" from the beginning until you reach the point where the cutscene starts. After the cutscene is over my suggestion is to try to run from monsters. Do what ever you think its best: "Swan Dive Jump" or "Regular Jump" or run from side to side, whatever you need to do in order to get past them. The goal is to reach the ladders before monsters can get you. If you fail, you can start the Time Trial from the beginning since you are not that far in the level. As you make your way up the ledges above the lava pool, be sure to kill all the monsters that hatch from the pods as quickly as possible; they can throw fire and they will be happy to take Lara down. This area can be hard, but there is not much I can tell you here since this is all about your skill. If you save time at the beginning of the level by running from the monsters instead of stopping to shoot, even if you die once or twice while climbing to the upper level, you should still have time to finish. For the timed sequences on the ledges, try to jump from the first swing when Lara is using her grapple. For the sequence with the horizontal poles, you may want to use the shortcut described in the main walkthrough. If not, make sure you don't waste time swinging all the way around each pole. Instead, as soon as Lara grabs each pole, quickly tap Jump twice to swing and jump without swinging all the way around. This is crucial to get through the sequence before the poles and ring retract. The same is true for the second sequence with the two horizontal poles, which you can't avoid. "Swan Dive Jump" through this hall as well, but be careful. The triple metal jaws will kill Lara even if you are using the Infinite Health cheat. The rest of this level is all about your skill and concentration. You will need to kill the monsters in the doppelgänger room so they don't slow you down with their fireballs. Then just concentrate on completing the sequence and getting out of the room. Make sure to climb faster while you are on the ladders and "Swan Dive Jump" along the hallway after you leave this room. In the drawbridge room, just try and stay focused. Don't rush just concentrate and do the best you can. If you've done well up to this point, you will have a few minutes to spare. I know that this level will be hard for some of you, but there is one thing that is more important than just skill: that is your power to stay positive. What ever you do, do not panic, and even if you do fail, get up and continue on. You can do it! Time trial completed! |
Time trial walkthroughs copyright © 2012 Eldin Mostic. Stella's Tomb Raider Site copyright © Stellalune (). All rights reserved. The TRA screenshots included here were made using Fraps. Feel free to copy or print this walkthrough for personal use. By all means, share it with friends, but please include this credit line so people can send me their feedback. No part of this walkthrough may be reproduced on another site without permission. Follow this link for details about this site's advertising and privacy policy. .