Sanctuary of the Scion - Alternate Path to the Relic (Detail)

After pushing the carved block off the ledge in front of the Horus statue and then using the lever between the two statues to lower the water level once more, climb the Anubis statue and make your way over to the gold switch on the side of the Horus statue, as described in the walkthrough.

When Lara grabs the gold switch on the side of the Horus statue, the timed gate on the front of the statue opens, as shown in the screenshot above.

When you regain control of Lara after the cut scene, drop into the pool far below.

Turn right, quickly swim alongside the statue, climb out of the water onto the narrow ledge and hop up onto Anubis's right foot.

Jump from there onto the carved block and then quickly leap into the opening before the gate closes.

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