Sanctuary of the Scion - Jumping from Anubis to Horus

The entire subterranean pool sequence is also shown in this video walkthrough.

After solving the FIRST METAL SCARAB PUZZLE and opening the gate above, do not climb up and pull the switch to raise the water level. Instead head directly to the other giant statue to unlock the room with this level's only relic:

Climb the ladder to the right of the alcove in the Anubis statue's chest. At the top of the ladder, jump to the right to grab the band on Anubis's upper arm. Climb around to the right and jump up to grab the handhold above.

Now Lara should be hanging from the highest of the horizontal bands on Anubis's arm. Notice that this curved band is actually made up of several flat segments. Position Lara so she's holding onto the second segment from the left (as shown above). Lean away from the wall and move the camera if necessary to see the statue of Horus behind you. Jump back to land on Horus's forearm.

NOTE: If you make this jump directly from Anubis to Horus, you'll bypass the gold switch in the background of the second screenshot. If, for some reason, this jump doesn't work for you, you can follow the longer alternate path, which will take you past that gold switch.

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