Shantytown - Well of Tears Challenge Tomb - Part 1

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
Use a rope arrow to rip out the rope-wrapped planks in the floor.

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
Drop in and pick up a GPS cache (2/15). Then follow the long, dark tunnel.

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
Walk across the narrow plank laid across the gap and crack open the salvage crate on the other side.

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
Continue to another salvage crate. Open it but before climbing down the ladder next to it...

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
..., look off to the right to spot a hanging salvage net. Shoot it with a fire arrow.

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
Then drop down and crack open the crate.

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
Move carefully to the edge of the ledge just beyond where the crate landed. Look out into the darkness to spot another salvage net. (Use Survival Instinct if necessary.) Use another fire arrow to bring it down.

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
Then hang from the wooden beam at the edge and drop to the ground. There's a climbing wall here, which you'll use to get back up, but it's not too far to drop if you're careful.

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
Break open the salvage crate that came from inside the net and squeeze through the narrow crevice into the tomb proper.

[Part 2 | Return to the Shantytown Walkthrough]