Shantytown - Exploring the Windmill Building - Part 4

Hanging from the ceiling in the middle of the open area near the smelting pots is a cage with several round holes in it. Inside this cage are 5 salvage nets. Move around the cage until you're able to get a clear shot with a fire arrow at each of the nets. These screenshots show some of the possible vantage points.

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
First, stand here, about halfway down the ledge running along the cave wall. Notice how you can see the salvage net through the round opening in the cage.

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
Shoot a fire arrow through the hole at one of the salvage nets.

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
Then watch as the net burns and the crate falls onto the floor below.

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
Move down the ledge to the bottom, near the narrow beam to aim at a second net.

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
Cross the beam and follow the ledge to the left.

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
Aim from here to burn a third net.

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
Return to the top of the ledge near the salvage trunk you opened earlier. Jump onto the ledge above.

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
Go forward to where the wooden ledge meets a platform made of metal beams and grating.

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
Turn around and shoot a fourth net through another hole in the cage.

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
Drop down and move into the corner next to the rightmost smelting pot.

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
Turn around and look up at the cage. From here, you can shoot the fifth net.

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
When you've burned all of the nets, crack open the 5 crates for a whopping 150 salvage points.

[Part 3 | Part 5 | Return to the Shantytown Walkthrough]