Before crossing over to where the last several enemies fell, make a few pickups on this side. There are arrows and shotgun shells leaning against the metal crates just ahead. To the right of the crates where you just hid is a wooden ladder leading to the level above.
Climb up and use your axe to destroy another alarm (3/4) for the Silencer challenge.
Climb onto the ledge to the left of the alarm to find 2 bundles of arrows.
Then hop back down and continue in the opposite direction (south) along the plywood platform. Jump the gap near the hanging wooden crate, continue forward, and collect a box of shotgun shells on the right side of the yellow metal machinery.
Turn around and go back the way you came. Ignore the horizontal pole and just hop down across the gap to the level below. Continue forward to the area with the metal crates where you hid during the last combat.
Just to the right of the catwalk leading over to where the last group of enemies were, there's a hole in the chain-link fence. Step through this hole and drop onto the ledge below to find a food cache. Then climb back up the way you came.
Now cross over the catwalk to the west, looting the bodies as you go. Before scrambling up the wooden wall, go around to the left to find a boarded-up doorway. Use your shotgun to blast through. Inside is a relic (6/7) a Scribe's Inro and some rifle/SMG ammo. Return to the wooden scrambling wall and go around to the left for another GPS cache (9/15).
[Part 1 | Part 3 | Return to the Shantytown Walkthrough]
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