Mountain Village - Heading Down the Mountain - Part 2

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
There are 5 more Solarii here, 4 with guns and one with explosives. You can probably shoot most of them as they move up the hill toward you.

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
You may even be able to take out a few by shooting the lantern hanging above the path.

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
You get bonus XP for unconventional kills like this.

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
If the demolitions guy starts hurling petrol bombs (as shown above), or if you move too slowly in taking out the others and get overrun, you may need to retreat up the hill and find cover near the shack.

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
This pile of debris offers some protection but only for a short while, since the enemies can destroy it with rifle fire.

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
But it does buy you a little time to shoot them as they come up the hill after you.

[Part 1 | Return to the Mountain Village Walkthrough]