Mountain Village - Canyon East of the Village - Part 1

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
After emerging from the Challenge Tomb, stand near the anchor post and shoot a rope arrow into the arch below on the right.

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
Ride the rope down to the little stream.

- OR -

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
Alternatively, after exiting the Challenge Tomb, turn right and head back down the hill the way you came.

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
Pass under the arch into which you shot the rope arrow on the way up. Then hang from the edge of the broken wooden bridge.

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
Climb down as far as you can and drop into the stream below.

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
Wade through the water toward the rope-wrapped arch and climb out on the left bank.

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
Or, if you slid down the zip line to land near the arch, jump across the stream to the opposite bank. On the table there, you'll find a relic (4/6), an Old Photograph from the Semper Fi series. Turn it around to examine the back for bonus XP.

[Part 2 | Return to the Mountain Village Walkthrough]