You're headed for the ledge above the statue with raised arms. You can probably deduce how to get there based on the movable objects and climbable surfaces. The key item is the sheet of reinforced metal to the right of the campsite. This functions like a seesaw. Notice how one end of the seesaw is closer to the climbing wall. You need to raise this end so Lara can jump from it to the wall. The trick is getting that end to stay up as she runs over it.
Start by picking up the yellow can near the camp site.
Carry it onto the seesaw. Move to the end closer to the campsite. Ignore the on-screen prompt to throw the can Then press Dodge/Roll (Shift/Circle/B) to drop the yellow can at that end. This will help to hold the seesaw down, but it's not quite enough.
There's a second can sitting on a shelf to the left of the statue with the raised arms. Take a running jump from the pile of metal debris to grab the shelf. It will then break under Lara's weight enabling you to get the can.
Either throw it onto the lowered end of the seesaw or carry it over there and drop it near the first can.
A third can sits on a higher shelf to the right of the statue. Ignore it for now.
Instead, focus on the fourth can, on a shelf on the right side of the room when facing the climbing wall.
Shoot a rope arrow into the rope-wrapped aircraft wheel hanging from the ceiling. It then swings into the shelf, smashing it and dumping the can on the ground.
Carry it onto the lower end of the seesaw and drop it there with the other two.
Now run up the seesaw and jump at the end. With a good run-up and a well-timed jump, Lara should be able to reach the climbing wall.
Press Interact to sink your axe into the wall.
[Part 1 | Part 3 | Return to the Shantytown Walkthrough]
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