In the post-combat cut scene, a grizzly guy gets his hands on a mounted machine gun and starts shooting at Lara from one of the towers. As she scrambles for cover, he blasts away the cables supporting one side of the skyship.
The floor tilts and Lara barely manages to hang on. She loses her grip, falls several feet and grabs onto a railing.
When you regain control, climb upward along the yellow slats as the shooter peppers the deck of the ship with bullets.
Wait for him to shoot away the decking to the right, exposing the yellow slats beneath and killing one of his comrades in the process. Then climb over to the right.
Jump across the gap to the right.
Jump straight up to grab the next higher yellow slat.
Then continue climbing into the open hatch above.
When Lara lands on the ledge on other side of the opening, the gunner opens fire. Immediately start running to the right.
When you reach the edge with the red planks, jump across the gap to grab the yellow metal thingy ahead.
In an other short cut scene, the gunner destroys another set of cables, once again causing the skyship to tilt wildly. Lara loses her grip on the yellow ladder and falls to what is now the bottom of the ship.
She attempts to grab several handholds on the way down, but the whole structure is coming apart. After several thumps and bumps, she manages to catch hold of a rope line and you regain control.
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