The Solarii see Lara coming and send up a flare. Men begin sliding down the lines from the towers to the left and right. When she lands on the deck, she immediately starts taking fire.
Crouch behind the low barrier near the mast and get your bearings. Then draw your weapon of choice and start eliminating bad guys. I prefer the rifle here against multiple enemies, but fire arrows are also handy.
A grenade or two will make short work of small groups clustered together. Aim a little above their heads to ensure the grenade doesn't fall short. Then press Alternate Fire.
Boom! Three for the price of one. ;)
The round, red, explodey things (sorry but I have no clue what these are) are quite dangerous. Stay away from them. If one rolls down the deck toward you, either get out of the way or kick it away from you with a tap of the Melee button. If you see one or more enemies standing near one of these red things, shoot it just as you would a fuel barrel.
Like so.
NOTE: I have no clue what these exploding objects are, and apparently neither does TR's Art Director Brian Horton. He likes to call them sake bombs. So sake bombs it is! ;)
If one rolls down the deck toward you, either get out of the way or kick it away from you with a tap of the Melee button.
Then the enemies can't use it against you.
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