Stella's Tomb Raider Underworld - Lara's Shadow Walkthrough

Downloading & Playing Lara's Shadow: This expansion level for Tomb Raider: Underworld is available exclusively through the Xbox LIVE Marketplace. Follow the instructions in the introduction for Beneath the Ashes to download. Follow this link for information on Xbox One backward compatibility.


The in-game tutorial does a good job of introducing the new controls for the doppelganger. You can also refer to the controls list in the Options menu while playing. Here's a quick recap:

Left analog stick = movement
Right analog stick = camera
LB/RB = Shadow Power (more info below)
LT = target lock/focused attack
RT = fire pistols/Shadow Fire

A = jump
B = roll/dodge
X = punch/Shadow Strike
Y = kick/combo finisher/Shadow Blast
Back = Objectives/Hints

Shadow Powers: The doppelganger's special power gives her super-human speed, strength and agility, but only for brief periods at a time. To use Shadow Power, hold down the left or right bumper button (LB/RB) as you use other controls. When you do this, the Shadow Meter (same as Lara's the Adrenaline/Breath meter) begins to deplete. When you release the bumper button, the meter begins to refill. So you'll need to time your actions carefully to avoid running out of Shadow Power at a crucial moment, such as while climbing.

The level includes a combat tutorial that explains the various moves in detail. Completing the tutorial also unlocks a 10-point achievement ("Shadow Combat Master"). Additional details are included in the walkthrough.

Note that there are no health or item pickups in this level. The doppelganger's health regenerates automatically and her only weapons are fists, feet and the unlimited-ammo pistols.

Instead of Lara's PDA, the Back button opens a screen with objectives and hints. You'll also find Area Info (listing treasures and relics found) and a Controls screen here.


Updated: 10/21/15()

Health Items:Treasures: 20  Relics:Keys/Puzzle Items: 0

The level begins with a recap of the cut scene from Underworld in which Lara and her double fight at the edge of the eitr pit. Lara is clearly losing when Amanda intervenes, hurling the doppelganger over the edge. This time, however, we see things from the doppelganger's point of view. Instead of falling into the blue, she lands on a ledge just above the water. After lying unconscious for a time, she awakens and looks around.

If you follow the on-screen prompt and press Back to open the Objectives screen, it becomes clear that the doppelganger is still Natla's servant at this point. The first order of business is to get out of this pit and find your mistress.

EITR PIT – "I LIVE": Move to the right side of the ledge, taking care to avoid the blue pool surrounding this ledge. Even the doppelganger is not immune to the eitr. Face the cracked section of wall. This texture is climbable as long as you use Shadow Power. Hold LB/RB and then press A to jump and grab onto the rock vein. Keep holding LB/RB and push the control stick forward to scramble up the vein. Do not release the bumper button, or the doppelganger will lose her grip and fall. At the top of the vein, press A to jump and grab the solid ledge above. Now you can release LB/RB to let the Shadow Meter recharge. Pull up onto the ledge and repeat the process to climb the second rock vein and grab the ledge above it.

Climb to the left end of this ledge. If you use Shadow Power to climb faster, as the tutorial suggests, be sure to pause for a moment before moving on to let the Shadow Meter recharge. Hold LB/RB and jump to the left to grab the cracked area on the wall. Jump to the left again to grab the normal handhold. (Now you can release the bumper button.) Jump to grab the corner ledge. Then climb to the left end. Hold LB/RB as you jump to the left to cling to the cracked wall. Release LB/RB to drop and grab the normal handhold below. Climb to the left and pull up.

Face the wall. Hold LB/RB and jump to grab the rock vein. Climb to the top and, still holding LB/RB, jump up to grab the cracked wall above. Quickly jump to the solid handhold on the right before your Shadow Meter runs out. Climb to the right end of this handhold. Then hold LB/RB again as you jump to the right to grab the rock vein. Scramble to the top and jump to grab the ledge above. Pull up.

THE SCENE OF THE CRIME: You probably recognize this as the ledge where Lara encountered her mother and fought with the doppelganger in the Yggdrasil level. The HELHEIM PORTAL is sealed with rubble.

Before moving on, go around behind the second column on the left to find a treasure (1/20). Then exit through the doorway on the right side of the room.

Follow the hallway as Lara did. After sliding down the first slope, continue to the next corner and pick up another treasure (2/20) on the right. When you come to the next slope, slide and jump near the bottom to clear the pit of blue goo.

The next section comprises the combat tutorial. I won't repeat that information here. If you need a refresher, just open the Objectives & Hints screen (Start button) and look for the Shadow Combat hint.

A lone Viking thrall waits at the end of the hall. When you destroy it, a Yeti thrall blasts through the stone wall. Use your new skills to subdue it. Just watch out for the small eitr pool as you fight.

Like Lara, the doppelganger must finish off each thrall with a smashing blow to keep it from regenerating. Doppel can do this more easily, since any shadow attack will destroy a thrall once it's taken enough damage.

NOTE: As far as I can tell, you don't have to follow every on-screen instruction verbatim in order to unlock the Shadow Combat Master achievement. As long as you use all of the techniques as you fight the enemies between here and the MIDGARD SERPENT ROOM, you should unlock the achievement. (See the Achievements page for more info.)

Continue along the corridor to the MIDGARD SERPENT ROOM, now in ruins.

When you drop off the ledge, 3 Viking thralls leap up ahead. This is a nice open area for fighting. Just stay clear of the edges as you practice your new moves.

When you've dealt with those three, head down the stairs toward the remains of the circular walkway. Another pair of thralls rises out of the pool. If you like, you can run up to them and use Shadow Blast (LB/RB + Y) to kick them off the ledge.

Follow the curved ledge to the right. There's a cracked strip on the stone buttress support ahead. Before climbing it, go around to the front and jump over to the little shelf between the two halves of the support to find a treasure (3/20). Jump or hang and traverse back to the walkway.

Now use Shadow Power to climb the cracked strip on the buttress support and jump to grab the handhold on the right. Climb around to the back of the support. Scale the rock vein. At the top, jump straight up to grab the ledge above. Pull up to stand on top of the buttress support. Go to the right side and drop down onto the upper-level walkway.

A cascade of eitr blocks the way ahead. The on-screen tutorial explains how to use Shadow Speed: hold LB/RB to slow time in order to move past obstacles. Do that now.

Continue to the end of the walkway and slide down the broken section to the level below. Fight another Viking thrall and then enter the little enclosure with the small pedestal decorated with red glyphs. Get the treasure (4/20) on the floor to the left. Then follow the walkway toward the blue waterfall and the ring of standing stones where Lara and Amanda escaped from this area.

Use Shadow Speed to get past the falling water and across the gap in the walkway. Approach the standing stones to trigger a cut scene.

The doppelganger finds Natla lying near the dais. Her brush with Thor's hammer and subsequent dip in the eitr have left her a bit worse for wear. Natla uses the thrall command words, ohk eshivar, to regain control of her creation then demands to be taken back to the doppelganger's birthplace.

After the load-in screen, we see the doppelganger supporting Natla as she limps back to her inner sanctum. Doppel helps Natla into some kind of healing pod, but when Natla tries to turn it on, the device won't work. She orders the doppelganger to restore the power then return for further instructions.

HEALING CHAMBER – LOWER LEVEL: Turn around to face away from Natla. Then head to the right side of the room, where you'll find another treasure (5/20) on the floor behind a pile of rocks.

Go to the other side of the room, climb the rock vein and jump to grab the handhold above. Jump to grab onto the cracked wall above, climb up and jump to the ledge on the left. Retrieve another treasure (6/20). Jump across the gap in the walkway to grab the cracked section. Then jump to the right side of the walkway.

HEALING CHAMBER – SECOND LEVEL: Continue around the edge of the room past the first waterfall. When you approach the second waterfall, a Viking thrall emerges. Smash it and continue to the end of the walkway, where you'll encounter another Viking. Deal with it and go through the doorway into the hall beyond.

PASSAGE TO THE REFINERY: Follow the hallway through several turns. Slide down a slope and jump over the eitr pit at the bottom. Take care of the 2 Viking thralls ahead.

Turn the next corner and approach the blue pool. Jump to grab the cracked rock on the left wall above the pool. Scamper to the top and jump to grab the handhold above. Release LB/RB as you climb around to the right to give the Shadow Meter time to recharge. Jump to grab the small handhold above. Then use Shadow Power to jump left, grab the rock vein, climb to the top and jump to the handhold above. Climb around to the left and pull up.

Follow this next hallway. When you round the corner, a Yeti rises out of the small pool. Destroy it.

Continue to a drop-off above a pool of eitr. Jump to grab the handhold on the left wall. Climb to the right and drop to grab the handhold below. Climb to the right until the doppelganger is hanging next to the blue waterfall. Hold LB/RB and jump back to cling to the cracked rock on the opposite wall. Quickly jump to the left to grab the next normal handhold. Climb to the left and then jump back to grab another handhold on the opposite wall—this time on the other side of the small waterfall. Climb to the right and jump into the hallway.

Pick up a treasure (7/20) on the floor to the left. Then continue down the stairs. At the bottom, go into the dark alcove on the left to find another treasure (8/20). Follow the hall in the other direction, past a small blue pool to another hole in the floor with a large eitr pool below.

Use Shadow Power to grab the rock vein on the right wall. Slide down, jump to grab the next vein on the left, slide down a little farther if necessary, and then jump to grab the solid handhold on the left. Climb along this narrow ledge to the end. (You can use Shadow Power to climb faster once the Shadow Meter recharges.) Jump to grab the next small handhold. Make sure the Shadow Meter is full and then jump to grab the rock vein on the left, climb to the top and jump to grab the ledge on the left. Pull up and continue to the next pit.

Stand near the edge and watch the levitating blocks rise from the toxic pool. As the first one rises up, activate Shadow Power and jump onto it. Then jump to the second block, turn right and jump to grab the cracked section of wall. Climb to the top and jump to the handhold above. Climb to the left, wait for the meter to refill and then jump across the various handholds to the left—first 2 rough patches that require Shadow Power to grip, then a normal handhold. Climb to the left and drop to the floor. Follow the hall to the huge room ahead.

NOTE: If you're going after the Refinery Speed Run achievement, you may want to save your game here. Then if you don't make it, you can reload and try again. I'm not sure of the exact time limit, but in order to unlock the achievement you must get from the entrance to the big island in the middle of the eitr lake without dying. TI2ophy has made an awesome YouTube video showing his successful run, which includes a few shortcuts not covered here. This video from brydgesr incorporates a glitch/shortcut that makes this speedrun even easier. He credits Makemeacoffee for the original discovery.

REFINERY – ENTRANCE AND LOWER LEVEL: This cavernous area has many tall towers rising out of a lake of eitr. Pick up another treasure (9/20) just inside on the right. It's a little difficult to see in the darkness, but it's close to the wall beside the door.

A pair of Viking thralls emerges as you descend the stairs. Smash them and move to the edge overlooking the pool. Step onto the slope and slide down to the floor. Turn around to face the direction from which you just came.

Jump to grab the small cracked area on the wall. Jump up to grab the long handhold above. Climb to the right and then jump across two cracked sections to reach the L-shaped corner ledge beyond. Climb around the corner and jump up to grab onto another rock vein. Climb to the top and jump to the handhold above. Climb then jump to the right to grab the next vein. Climb to the top and jump to the handhold on the left. Scramble up and jump to grab the handhold above. Now climb to the right and jump to grab the handhold running around the square support column built into the wall.

Climb around to the right and jump up to grab the long cracked area above. Climb to the top and jump to the right to grab the wide stone structure that runs in front of the large eitr waterfall. Keep climbing to the right until Doppel is hanging on the next square support column with a rock vein below her. Drop and grab the vein, climb to the bottom, drop to the handhold below, then the one below that.

Now climb to the left, behind that same waterfall. Drop to grab the L-shaped handhold below. Climb to the left and drop down once more. Climb to the end of this handhold and then jump to perch on the little rock sticking up out of the poison lake. Turn left and jump onto the small island.

Go to the other end of this island and take a running jump to grab the cracked rock on the wall beyond the small stone perch. (You can skip jumping to the perch.) Climb to the top of the cracked section and then jump to grab the small handhold on the support column to the right. Climb the rock vein above and jump to grab the L-shaped handhold above it. Climb then jump to the left to grab the next rock vein. Scramble to the top and jump up to the next L-shaped handhold above. Climb to the right and jump to the small, rectangular ledge on the right.

Jump across the hole in the ledge to grab the handhold on the wall above the hole. Drop down twice to hang from the long handhold just above the round eitr pool. Climb to the right as far as possible. Then drop to grab the rock vein below. Slide down and drop to grab the handhold below the vein. Climb to the left end of this handhold and jump back to perch on another small rock sticking up from the eitr lake. Now jump to the big island ahead. (NOTE: This is the end point in the speed run.)

Two Viking thralls leap down from the ledge above. Mind the edges as you fight. Try and punch or kick the thralls into the pool if you can.

REFINERY – CLIMBING FROM THE BIG ISLAND TO THE EXIT: Go to the right side of the island (i.e., right when facing away from the small stone perch where you came from). Jump to grab the curved ledge on the rounded structure ahead. Climb around to the left. Then jump up to grab the cracked rock above. Climb to the top and jump grab the top edge of this structure.

Climb around to the left. Jump back to grab the next curved ledge. Climb around to the left again and jump to grab the rock vein above. Climb to the top and jump to the ledge on the left, which is wide enough to stand on.

Climb the cracked wall and jump to grab the next curved ledge on the left. Climb around to the left and then climb the rock vein above. At the top of the vein, jump up to grab the edge of the column, which has a circular pool of eitr on top of it. (This is the highest point in the room that you can reach.)

Climb around to the right and drop onto the wide, rectangular ledge. Pick up the treasure (10/20) lying in one corner. Then cross to the opposite side of the ledge and jump across the gap to the exit.

OBTAINING THE RELIC: Before leaving this area, take a little detour to find the relic. Just before the exit, turn right. Jump to grab the curved handhold below the large, carved serpent head. Climb around to the right and jump to grab the straight handhold behind. Jump to the handhold above, climb to the right around two corners, then jump to the right to grab the next handhold. Drop and grab the small cracked area on the wall below. Release the bumper button and then re-press it to grab the rough section below. Release again to drop to the normal handhold below.

You should now be hanging above the REFINERY ENTRANCE. Climb to the right. Then hold LB/RB as you jump to the right three times, across 2 cracked spots to the next solid handhold. Jump up to grab the rock vein above. Scramble to the top and jump straight up to grab the smaller cracked section above. Jump left to the next cracked area, then left again to a solid handhold. Climb to the left and drop down next to the RELIC.

Turn to face out over the lake and take a running jump to grab the edge of the tallest tower with the circular eitr pool on top. Climb around and drop onto the rectangular ledge. Then jump across the gap in the walkway again to reach the exit.

PASSAGE FROM THE REFINERY TO THE TRANSFORMER: Follow the hall to a drop-off. When you drop down, 2 Viking thralls rise up ahead. Deal with them and then use the handholds on the right wall to cross the eitr pit where they came from.

Continue past the 4 carved snake heads (a trap that is not active yet). Vault onto the low ledge, pick up the treasure (11/20) in the corner and then climb onto the ledge above.

Ahead is a T intersection with dead ends on both sides. To climb the vertical shaft, use Shadow Power to scale the rock vein and jump to the handhold on the right. Climb around two corners to the right, jump up to the cracked patch, jump right to the next cracked area, up to the next, then left to grab the solid ledge. Pull up.

A Yeti thrall lurks just around the next corner. Destroy it and go on.

Next comes a hallway with eitr cascades on both sides and a small fountain of the stuff in the center. Use Shadow Speed to jump across the gap in the walkway when the fountain cycles off.

When you reach the next bend, grab another treasure (12/20) in the corner on the left.

A little farther on, there's another eitr pool and 2 Vikings. If you approach slowly, you can attract one thrall at a time. Then move back toward the corner to fight each one in a relatively safe area. To get across the pool, approach the first set of fountains. When they subside, hold LB/RB and take a running jump across the gap in the walkway. When you land, the second set of fountains should be off as well. Run on past them and continue to the next big room.

A brief cut scene gives an overview of the Transformer room. The doppelganger notes how the central structure plugs into the ceiling and powers the healing chamber.

TRANSFORMER ROOM – ENTRANCE TO FIRST VALVE: Turn right and go to the end of the walkway. Jump the gap and grab the cracked section of wall ahead. Scamper to the top and jump to grab the handhold on the left. Traverse along this narrow ledge and onto a switch.

The doppelganger's weight pulls it down, extending a walkway below and rotating a valve with a snake's head next to the center platform. The doppelganger drops from the switch and slides down to the walkway you just extended.

Climb onto the center platform and fight 3 Viking thralls that rise out of the little pools around the edges. Either smash them or knock them off the edge.

Cross the walkway toward the tall, vertical tube with eitr flowing inside it. When you reach the octagonal grate in the floor, turn left and jump to grab the rock vein on the support column. Climb up and jump to the handhold above. Jump back to grab the curved edge of the snake-head valve that you saw in the previous cut scene. Hang below the snake head, hold LB/RB and run to the right to turn the valve.

Eitr starts pouring out of the "faucet" below, and the central structure rises about a third of the way toward the ceiling. The cut scene that shows this happening also hints at the path you now need to take.

Avoid the eitr falling into the grate behind you. Jump to grab the nearest small handhold on the left. Jump up twice. Then jump across the front of the shiny stone structure to grab a handhold on the right side of it. Climb around to the right, jump to grab the cracked wall above, climb to the top and jump to the right to land on top of the central platform.

TRANSFORMER ROOM – RAISED PLATFORM TO SECOND SWITCH: When Doppel lands on the platform, 2 Viking thralls rise from the small pools at the edges. As soon as you've destroyed them, a Yeti thrall emerges from one of the other pools.

After the fight, cross the walkway toward the small, dark alcove with the rectangular window with eitr flowing behind it. Pick up the treasure (13/20) in the right corner of the alcove.

Step out of the alcove, turn to face it and then jump to grab the light-colored band that runs along the right side of the shiny stone structure. Climb to the end and jump back to land on the wide ledge behind.

Destroy the Viking thrall that steps out of the waterfall. Follow the ledge around toward the second waterfall, where 2 more Vikings emerge. Stay clear of the edge as you fight, and watch out for the hole in the floor beyond the second waterfall.

Jump to grab the rock vein on the wall to the right of the hole in the floor. Climb to the to the top and jump to the handhold on the right. Traverse around to the front of this structure onto another switch.

Again, the doppelganger's weight pulls it down, extending another walkway to the central structure and raising the platform again.

When the cut scene finishes, jump to grab the handhold on the right. Climb around to the right and jump to grab the cracked wall above. Climb to the top and jump back onto the central structure.

TRANSFORMER ROOM – RAISED PLATFORM TO SECOND VALVE: This time you'll have to fight a Yeti and 2 Viking thralls at once.

When you've destroyed them all, cross the walkway toward the small alcove and jump to grab the handhold on the left. Climb around the side of the shiny stone structure. At the end of the handhold, jump to the left to land on the walkway near a cascade of eitr falling into a grate in the floor.

Follow the walkway away from the cascade. There's a treasure (14/20) on the floor at the end. Get it and return to the other end of the walkway.

Jump to grab the rock vein on the wall to the right of the eitr cascade. Scramble to the top and jump to grab the curved handhold on the big pipe with eitr flowing out of it. Jump to the cracked section on the pipe above, climb to the top and jump straight up to grab the curved edge of the snake-head valve above. Climb around to the right side of the valve to hang below the carved snake head. Then turn the valve by holding LB/RB and running to the left.

This shuts off the flow of eitr into the grate below and redirects it through a conduit into the central structure.

TRANSFORMER ROOM – SECOND VALVE TO THIRD SWITCH: Drop to grab the cracked pipe below. Climb down, drop to the curved handhold below and then let go to land on the floor near the grate. Now that the eitr is no longer flowing, you can go through here.

Two more Viking thralls approach. Fight them and then continue forward, staying clear of the gaps in the floor. At the end of the walkway, go around the wall to find a cracked section on the back. Climb to the top and jump to the handhold above. Then jump back to the ledge behind. Ignore the handhold and rock vein ahead and instead turn right and jump down to the circular platform with the grating on top.

Grab the small, light-colored handhold on the huge pipe. Jump straight up to the curved handhold above. Climb around to the right onto the third switch.

The doppelganger's weight pulls it down, extending another walkway to the central structure and raising the platform once more. When the platform plugs into the conduits in the ceiling, the eitr begins to flow and the huge machine comes to life. The cut scene showing the action also indicates where to go next.

TRANSFORMER ROOM – THIRD SWITCH TO EXIT: Jump to grab the nearest handhold on the left. Jump up twice and then jump across the front of the structure to grab the handhold on the right side. Climb around to the right, jump to the rock vein above and climb to the central platform once more.

This time 2 Yeti thralls rise out of the small pools. Destroy them and then jump across the gap to the walkway that leads to the exit.

TRAPPED PASSAGE LEADING BACK TO THE HEALING CHAMBER: Follow the hallway. As you approach the small eitr pool on the right, 2 Viking thralls appear. Deal with them and continue to the next corner. Grab the treasure (15/20) on the floor and keep going.

When you come to the vertical shaft with moving pistons below and a toxic pool at the bottom, jump to grab the narrow ledge on the left wall of the shaft. Climb to the middle of the ledge, drop to grab the rock vein below, climb down and drop to the solid handhold just above the pistons. Activate Shadow Power and watch the pistons. They move in opposite directions, so when one of them smashes into the wall below, the other will be near the opposite wall. Wait for one of them to touch the wall just below. Then, as it starts to move away, drop past it to the handhold below. Drop down once more. Then climb around to the left and jump into the hallway.

Continue to a series of pounding blocks. Stand close to the trap facing the gap between the blocks. As the nearest blocks smash together, hold LB/RB and run through. There's a safe space between the first set of blocks and the second. You can pause here if necessary to recharge the Shadow Meter. Then run on through the second set of blocks as they separate.

At the end of the corridor there's an eitr pool on the right and another vertical shaft with moving pistons above. Grab the handhold straight ahead and jump to the rock vein above. Climb up the vein and pause just below the pistons. Wait for one of them to smash into the wall and begin to move away before scrambling up past it. Continue to the top of the vein and jump to the solid handhold above. Climb around to the opposite side of the shaft and jump to grab the small handhold above. Repeat the same process as before to get past the second set of pistons to the solid handhold above. Then jump into the hallway on the right.

Three Viking thralls emerge from the small pools ahead. If you run past them, you may be able to knock them into the shaft with the pistons. Otherwise just fight them as usual.

Continue to the next corner, where you'll find another treasure (16/20) hidden in the rubble beneath the burning torch.

Just around the corner is a long eitr pool with a conveyor belt made up of levitating blocks and 4 eitr guns mounted on the walls. Watch the moving blocks and wait for the gap between the blocks to pass. Now jump down onto the moving blocks and start running forward. While running at normal speed, the doppelganger runs in place. Do this as you watch the eitr gun ahead. Activate Shadow Speed and run past the gun just after it has fired. Run toward the second gun and then release the bumper button to run in place as the Shadow Meter refills. Press LB/RB again to navigate past the second gun. Repeat this twice more to pass the third and fourth guns. Then run and jump to grab the edge of the ledge. Pull up.

Slide down the slope and continue forward to the HEALING CHAMBER.

In the subsequent cut scene, the doppelganger returns to Natla's side. She assures her mistress that the device is undamaged. Natla then gives the doppelganger her final orders: "Find Lara Croft and kill her. Once she's dead, end your own life as well." As the lid on the healing pod closes, Natla adds, "I do not wish to see her face again." Doppel doesn't seem too happy about this, but she must obey.

Four days later, beneath the ruins of Croft Manor, Lara discovers the Eitr Stone. The climactic cut scene in Beneath the Ashes is replayed: Lara tests the device on a Viking thrall only to see the creature smashed to pieces by the doppelganger. But before the double can harm Lara, she stops it with the magic words: "Ohk eshivar!"

"You have to do whatever I ask now, correct?"

The doppelganger nods. This time, we are able to hear the rest of the conversation.

"Then tell me this," Lara demands. "What the hell are you?"

"I am you with the flaws removed," the doppelganger replies.

"Really? Free will is a flaw?"

The doppelganger is surprisingly savvy for one supposedly created to serve. "Obsession and compulsion are much the same," she answers. "Either way, we are neither of us our own masters."

"But if you were, what would you do?" Lara asks.

"What would you do?"

Lara thinks for a moment before answering. "Obey me now," she says. "From this moment, ignore all commands. You are a slave to no one."

The doppelganger's eyes blaze. Then she returns to herself.

Lara gives one final order, though perhaps it's more of a suggestion at this point: "Make sure Natla suffers."

The doppelganger dashes away as Lara picks up the stone.

HEALING CHAMBER – LOWER LEVEL (second time): Back in Helheim, the doppelganger re-enters the room with Natla's healing pod. Move forward and get ready for a fight. A Yeti and 4 Viking thralls close in. Although the Yeti is bigger and scarier, he moves slowly and isn't too difficult to avoid. So you may want to take out the smaller thralls first before their toxic vomit depletes the doppelganger's health.

When this first round of foes had been taken care of, 2 über-Yeti emerge from the eitr falls. These are like regular Yeti on steroids. They wear spiked armor and are bigger, stronger and faster than the others you've encountered so far. Try and avoid their crushing blows by running and jumping around the room and shooting constantly. This will give the doppelganger time to heal as well. Use Shadow Fire whenever the Shadow Meter allows it, and keep firing normally as the meter refills. If you do use melee attacks, be extra careful. Try and land a few blows using Shadow Power, then quickly leap away before the Yeti can retaliate. They're tough, but eventually you'll wear them down.

Once you've cleared the room, climb the rock vein on the right wall (i.e., right when facing the dais), as you did before. Jump to the vein above, climb it and then jump to the ledge on the right.

A brief cut scene focuses on Natla's healing pod at the top of the room, then the doorway leading to the REFINERY. The doppelganger says, "I cannot harm Natla. The machine protects her. I must undo what I've done and destroy the tower."

HEALING CHAMBER – SECOND LEVEL (second time): Run along the walkway around the edge of the room, past the 2 waterfalls and on to the exit.

PASSAGE TO THE REFINERY (second time): Follow the hallway through several turns. Slide down the slope and jump across the eitr pit at the bottom. Continue to the end. Three Viking thralls rise out of the pool. Take care of them.

Now climb the cracked wall on the left side of the shaft as you did before. Once Doppel is hanging from the L-shaped handhold, climb around to the right but not all the way. Unlike before, splashes of falling eitr block the way. Activate Shadow Speed and then climb past the hazard between splashes. Jump up to the handhold above. Watch the falling eitr and again use Shadow Speed to jump to the left when the way is clear. Scamper to the top of the cracked wall and jump to the handhold above. Climb around to the left, pull up and continue.

As you round the next corner, a regular Yeti thrall emerges from the little blue pool ahead. Smash it and continue.

This time the pool of eitr with the handholds along the walls also has blobs of toxic liquid falling from above. Jump to the handhold on the left wall. Climb to the right a little and then use Shadow Speed to slide along the handhold between splashes. Drop to the handhold below. Climb toward the rushing waterfall. Hold LB/RB and jump back to cling to the cracked rock on the opposite wall. Hang here and wait for a gap between splashes before jumping to the left to grab the solid handhold. Climb to the left and then jump back to grab the handhold on the opposite wall. Climb to the right and jump into the hallway.

Head down the stairs and around the corner to confront 2 Viking thralls, one from the small pool and one from the larger eitr pool ahead. When you've dealt with them, move to the rim of the pit and climb across just as you did last time: use the cracked spots on the wall to the right to reach the long, solid handhold farther along. Climb to the end, jump to the rock vein, climb up and jump to the ledge on the left.

Now comes the toxic pool with levitating blocks, which is now further complicated by a shower of eitr from above. As the first block rises, activate Shadow Power and jump onto it. Still holding LB/RB, wait for a gap in the falling water and then jump onto the second block. As quickly as possible, turn right and jump to grab the cracked wall. Climb to the top and jump to grab the handhold above. Now you can take your time and let the Shadow Meter refill as you climb to the left. At the end, use Shadow Power to jump across the rough patches to the last handhold. Climb to the left, drop down and continue to the REFINERY.

As you enter, a cut scene shows the machinery here has been activated. The huge, mechanical serpents' heads now gulp orbs of eitr, and many of the cylindrical towers now rotate.

REFINERY – ENTRANCE AND LOWER LEVEL (second time): Repeat the climb to the large island in the center of the room just as you did it before. (Refer to the walkthrough above if you need it.)

Everything is the same until you reach the small rectangular ledge with the hole in it. Now bubbles of gaseous eitr rise out of the little pool below the hole. Wait for a bubble to pass and then quickly jump to grab the handhold above the hole. Drop down twice and use Shadow Speed to climb to the right. Slide down the rock vein and jump over to the large island as you did last time.

Now you must fight a small army of thralls before the path to the exit will be revealed. First come 7 Vikings. When you've defeated those, a Yeti clambers out of the pool. Destroy him only to find yourself faced with 3 more Vikings. Then, when you've smashed those, an über-Yeti leaps down from the ledge above. (If, like me, you complained about the lack of combat in Underworld, you're probably eating those words right about now.)

When the fighting is over, the entire island rises out of the pool, revealing a previously submerged section on one side. Hop down onto the lower section and pick up a treasure (17/20) in the far left corner.

REFINERY (second time) – BIG ISLAND TO THE TOWER: Jump from the lower part of the island to the rock vein on the wall to the right of the moving serpent head. Climb up, jump to the handhold above, then the one above that. Climb around to the left but not all the way. Wait for an eitr bubble to rise from the circular pool and then speed-slide along the handhold, jump up to grab the cracked wall, scramble to the top, jump to the handhold above and quickly climb to the left out of the way.

Drop onto the small, rectangular ledge. Go around to the right side and jump to grab the small rough patch on the wall. Jump to the wide stone bar on the right and climb along past the eitr waterfall. At the end, drop to the rock vein, climb down and drop to the solid handhold. Do not drop down again, since the handholds below are set in a bit, not directly below. Instead climb to the left, passing in front of the same waterfall a bit lower down. At the left end of the handhold drop down once, climb to the right a bit, drop down again, and then climb to the right, passing behind that same waterfall. At the end of the handhold, drop down again, climb around the corner, jump to the rough spot on the right and drop to the small ledge at water level.

Make sure the Shadow Meter is full. Then turn right and jump across the water to grab the rock vein on the wall. Climb up and jump to the next vein on the right. Climb up, jump to the vein on the left, climb to the top of that vein and jump to the solid handhold above.

NOTE: If the doppelganger runs out of juice on the third vein, she'll drop and slide back down on to the small, square ledge. If this happens try not to jump, or she'll overshoot the ledge and land in the pool. Instead, just let her fall and start the climb again.

Once you reach the solid handhold after the three rock veins, climb to the right and then jump to the next vein. Jump to the handhold above and climb around the corner. Drop to the long vein below. Climb down and drop to grab a handhold just above the water. Climb to the left until the doppelganger is hanging on the short, angled section at the end of the handhold. Then jump back to grab the top edge of the short wall sticking up from the pool. Climb to the left end of the wall and jump to the rough wall at the base of the tower. Quickly jump to the solid handhold on the left.

CLIMBING THE TOWER TO REACH THE EXIT: Climb around the corner and on to the left as far as you can go. Jump to the rock vein directly above. Scramble to the top and jump to grab the edge of the ledge above. Traverse to the right a bit and pull up onto the wide, rectangular ledge.

Climb the vein on the wall and jump to grab the moving ring on the left. This is the rotating base of one of the mechanical serpents. Ride around to the left and jump to grab the vein above. Climb to the top and jump up to grab the curved edge above.

This is the rim of a small blue pool. It rotates to the left and you'll have to climb to the right against the rotation. Use Shadow Speed but sparingly so you don't accidentally run into the gap between this cylinder and the main tower. If you do, Doppel will get squashed. Climb as far to the right as you safely can. Then jump back to grab the rotating ring behind (i.e., to the right).

Climb around it to the other side, scale the rock vein and jump to the edge above. This is the rim of another small pool and the highest point in the tower. Climb around the rim and drop onto the wide, rectangular ledge.

Now that the machine is running, eitr bubbles rise up through the gap between this ledge and the exit. Wait for a bubble to pass and then jump across.

NOTE: If you missed the RELIC here the first time through, you can still get it now. Refer to the relic section above. The only thing that's different now is that the curved handhold below the mechanical serpent's head is moving. So you'll need to climb a little more carefully.

PASSAGE FROM THE REFINERY TO THE TRANSFORMER (second time): Follow the hall to a drop-off. Hop down and continue to the next eitr pit. Now the 4 carved snake heads at the end of the hall have been activated and shoot blue energy bolts. There's also another intermittent eitr waterfall halfway across the pool. Jump to grab the handhold on the right wall. Climb toward the falling eitr, activate Shadow Speed and climb to the left when there's a gap between the splashes.

After you pass the waterfall, a short cut scene shows a thrall emerging from the hallway ahead and being blasted by the snake-head traps.

When the cut scene ends, be sure to climb all the way to the left end of the handhold out of the way of the falling water. Hang in this position and observe the energy-bolt trap. Notice how the bolts emerge one after the other, forming an angled line. Just as the rightmost bolt emerges from the serpent head, press LB/RB. When the rightmost bolt is halfway down the hall, jump to the left. You should clear the bolts and land near the middle of the hallway. With Shadow Speed still activated, run past the trap into the hall on the left.

Alternatively, while hanging from the handhold near the waterfall, activate Shadow Speed and wait for the serpent heads to fire. Then, just as the rightmost bolt passes beneath you, jump to the left and run toward the opposite wall. The area next to the left wall is safe. Inch forward toward the serpent heads. Activate Shadow Power and as soon as the bolt from the leftmost serpent passes, run around the corner.

Climb onto the ledge ahead and scale the vertical shaft as you did before.

Proceed to the area with eitr cascades on both walls. Now splashes of eitr fall from the ceiling as well. Stand a few steps back from the gap in the walkway. Note how the falling eitr comes as several closely spaced blobs followed by a pause. Activate Shadow Speed, wait for the pause in the falling water. Watch the fountain on the other side of the gap. It should subside almost immediately. Jump across and run on.

Turn right at the next corner and fight 3 Viking thralls.

Now move on to the second pool with falling water and eitr fountains. This one has 2 fountains on each side of the gap in the walkway, but the technique for crossing is similar. Stand near the first set of fountains. Activate Shadow Speed and wait for the pause between the splashes of falling water. The first set of fountains should then subside almost immediately. Run forward and jump across the gap. By the time you reach the other side, the second set of fountains should be off. Run on into the hallway and continue to the end.

Another cut scene shows the Transformer room with the machine turned on. The doppelganger says, "I must start at the top to bring the tower down."

TRANSFORMER ROOM – ENTRANCE TO THE FIRST VALVE (second time): As you did last time, run to the right end of the walkway near the entrance. Now the wall ahead is moving up and down. When it descends, jump to grab the cracked section, climb to the top and when the block reaches its highest position, jump straight up to grab the handhold above. Jump back to the ledge behind.

A pair of Viking thralls emerges from the waterfall. Deal with them as usual. Then follow the walkway around to the second waterfall. This one spits out a Yeti. Watch out for the hole in the floor ahead as you fight him.

When the coast is clear, approach the moving block at the end of the walkway. When it descends, jump to grab the vein on the side of it, climb to the top and when the block reaches its highest position, jump to the handhold above.

The camera shifts to focus on the serpent-head valve above.

Climb along the handhold and jump onto the walkway to the left. Climb the cracked wall to the left of the grate in the floor and jump to grab the edge of the pipe above the grate. Jump to the cracked section on the pipe above, climb to the top and jump straight up to grab the curved edge of the snake-head valve above. Turn the valve by holding LB/RB and running to the right.

This redirects the eitr flow away from the central structure and down through the pipe into the grate below. The conduit leading to the central structure then retracts revealing an opening.

TRANSFORMER ROOM – DESTROYING THE FIRST CORE: Climb back around to the left. Drop to the vein. Climb down and drop to the floor near the grate. Jump back to the long handhold running around the side of the shiny stone structure. (This is the same handhold you just came from before climbing up to the valve. It's on the right when facing the grate with the falling eitr.)

Climb around to the front of the shiny, stone structure and drop down near the small alcove. Go down the steps and enter the central structure through the opening you exposed by turning the valve.

Lightning traps block the way toward the back of this small, round chamber. Use Shadow Speed to get past either trap. It doesn't matter whether you go to the left or right. On the other side of the chamber, climb up onto the round ledge in the center and use Shadow Strike (LB/RB + X) to smash the first core. Drop down and exit the chamber.

A brief cut scene shows the path ahead.

TRANSFORMER ROOM – FIRST CORE TO SECOND VALVE: Return up the steps to the alcove. Once again jump to the handhold on the left. Climb to the end and jump back to the walkway near the grate with the falling eitr.

This time follow the walkway away from the grate toward the huge, moving block. Stand facing the outer edge of the ledge where the block comes down. Wait for it to move upward. Then jump across the gap onto the ledge, run across and jump to the walkway beyond. (You can use Shadow Speed here or not.)

An über-Yeti leaps out of the waterfall ahead. Destroy it and continue to the end of the walkway.

Jump to the rock vein, scramble to the top and jump up to grab the second snake-head valve. Hold LB/RB and run to the left to turn the valve.

Again, the flow of eitr is diverted away from the central structure, and the second conduit retracts revealing an opening into the core.

TRANSFORMER ROOM – DESTROYING THE SECOND CORE: Drop to the rock vein below and slide down to the floor. Turn so the vein you just slid down is on the left. Then follow the shiny, stone wall to the edge of the ledge. Jump to grab the handhold on the side of the shiny structure. Climb to the right, drop down twice and climb around toward the front of the shiny structure. Drop down once more, climb to the right again and drop onto the retracted walkway near the entrance to the core.

Jump down into the doorway in the side of the central structure. Again, it doesn't matter whether you go to the left or right to reach the back of this small, round room. In either case, you must navigate past 2 lightning traps. Activate Shadow Speed and run past the first trap. Let the Shadow Meter recharge and then repeat the process for the second. Climb onto the ledge in the center and use Shadow Strike to smash the second core.

Go around to the other side of the round ledge and pick up a treasure (18/20). Then hop down and exit the chamber.

Again, a short cut scene shows the route to the next valve.

TRANSFORMER ROOM – SECOND CORE TO THIRD VALVE: Outside the core chamber, jump to grab the handhold on the left. Climb around to the right and jump to grab one of the horizontal bars on the shiny, stone structure with eitr flowing upward inside of it. Drop down twice and climb along the curved handhold to the right. Drop to the handhold below. Climb to the right and then jump back to land on the walkway.

Cross the walkway, but watch out for the eitr flowing into the grate ahead. Jump to grab the rock vein on the left. Scramble up and jump to the handhold above. Jump back to grab the curved edge of the third valve. Climb around to the right to hang below the serpent's head. Then hold LB/RB and run to the left to turn the valve.

The eitr flow is shut off, and the walkway below retracts revealing another opening into the central structure.

TRANSFORMER ROOM – DESTROYING THE THIRD CORE: Let go of the valve and drop to the floor. Head down the stairs made by the retracted walkway into the core chamber. Again use Shadow Speed to get past the lightning traps and climb the back of the round platform to reach the third core. Smash it with a Shadow Strike as you did the others. Hop down, exit the chamber and begin climbing the stairs.

A cut scene shows the tower collapsing into the pool amid a shower of falling debris.

TRANSFORMER ROOM (second time) – CLIMBING TO THE EXIT: From the ledge with the octagonal grating, where you begin after the cut scene, turn toward the center of the room. Move to the outer left corner of the ledge and jump to the wide chunk of stone sticking up from the pool ahead.

Turn back toward the ledge you just came from and jump to grab the cracked surface of the vertical column to the right of that ledge. Climb to the top and jump to the handhold above. Climb around to the right and jump back to grab the wider column behind. Climb around to the right and jump back to grab the curved edge of yet another serpent's-head valve.

Hold LB/RB and run to the right to turn the valve. This shuts off the eitr vapor flowing from the grate on top of this column, but only temporarily. Quickly move to the left a little so the serpent's head is not directly above. Using Shadow Speed, jump up to grab the edge and pull up. Run across the grate and jump to grab the curved edge of the next valve before the eitr starts to flow again.

Again hold LB/RB and run to the right to turn the valve, shutting off the eitr rising from the grate above. Climb to the left a bit, activate Shadow Speed and jump straight up twice to stand on top of the grate. Run across the grate and jump to grab the handhold on the left side of the large column ahead.

Climb around to the left. Then climb the rock vein above to reach the top of this column. This one also has a grate on top, but it's safe.

DETOUR FOR A SECRET: The obvious path is straight ahead. But if you jump to the small handhold, you'll miss a secret. So instead, turn right toward the 2 huge blocks moving up and down and a third, stationary block to their right. Wait for the nearest block to rise. Then jump onto the curved ledge beneath the block and move quickly and carefully to the safe area between the moving blocks. Wait for the second block to rise and quickly run around to the space between it and the third, non-moving block.

Again wait for the second block to descend and then chimney jump between the second and third blocks to reach the top of the third. (You can use Shadow Speed to make this easier.) Here you'll find a treasure (19/20).

An invisible wall prevents you from jumping across to the top of the second block. So drop down between the second and third blocks and return carefully beneath the 2 moving blocks to the circular grating.

CONTINUING TO THE EXIT: Jump to grab the small, light-colored handhold on the huge pipe. Jump to the handhold above and climb around to the left. Drop down and cross the small ledge in front of the vertical conduit with eitr flowing inside it. Climb the rock vein to the left of the conduit and jump to the handhold above. (This was a switch but no longer functions.)

Climb along this curved handhold to the left. Drop to the small handhold below and then to the circular platform with grating on top.

Across the gap there's another set of moving blocks. When the nearest block begins to rise, jump onto the curved ledge in front of it and run to the safe space on the left between the two blocks. Turn to face the first block (i.e., the one on the right). Wait for it to descend. Then, as it rises, jump to grab the light-colored handhold on its side. (There's a cracked section just below this handhold, but you shouldn't need to climb it if you just grab the handhold.) Hang on as the block rises. Then jump back to land on top of the second block. As the second block rises, move to the other side to face the third block, which doesn't move. When the second block reaches its highest position, jump to grab the curved handhold on the faucet-like structure above the third block.

Climb around to the left, jump to grab the handhold above, climb to the left some more and then jump back to grab the edge of the walkway near the exit. Pull up, turn right and leave this area.

NOTE: If you're going after the Right of Passage achievement, you may want to save your game here. Then if you don't make it, you can reload and try again, or come back to this save after finishing the game to work on the speed run separately. I'm not sure of the exact time limit, but in order to unlock the achievement you must go from the Transformer Room exit through the trap-filled passages to the entrance to Natla's Chamber without dying. TI2ophy has made a helpful YouTube video of this sequence. (The first part of the video shows the Refinery Speed Run. The Right of Passage speed run is the second part, beginning at about 1:17.)

TRAPPED PASSAGE LEADING BACK TO THE HEALING CHAMBER (second time): Two Viking thralls rise from the small pool ahead. Smash them. Or, if you're trying for the speed-run achievement, just run past them.

Round the corner and continue to the vertical shaft with moving pistons and toxic pool below. Navigate this trap just as you did last time. (Refer to the walkthrough above if necessary.)

Next comes the pounding blocks. Use Shadow Speed to get through just like before. After this is the vertical shaft with pistons above. Climb up the way you did earlier.

Follow the corridor past 2 small eitr pools. Fight or avoid the Yeti thrall at the end of the hall.

Then continue to the long eitr pool with the line of levitating blocks and eitr guns on the side walls. (Last time this was a mostly solid conveyor belt made of blocks.) Use the same basic technique as last time except that you'll need to jump the gaps between blocks. Doing this without depleting the Shadow Meter can be challenging. Try and release the bumper button whenever you aren't actively using Shadow Power to give the meter a chance to recharge. Once you pass the four guns, the blocks emerging from the wall are fairly close together, so reaching the ledge ahead shouldn't be too difficult.

Slide down the slope. (NOTE: This is the end point in the speed run.) Continue to the end of the hall.

A cut scene shows Natla's pod high on the chamber wall. Blue lightning crackles above and a glowing, yellow disk, similar to the power cores in the TRANSFORMER ROOM, anchors the pod to the wall. The doppelganger remarks that the machine no longer protects Natla, so she's now vulnerable.

HEALING CHAMBER (third time) – THIRD LEVEL: Follow the walkway around to the left. Destroy the 3 Viking thralls that emerge from the first blue waterfall. Continue to the gap in the walkway. A Yeti comes out of the next waterfall and leaps across the gap. Fight it or knock it off the walkway. Then jump across the gap and continue around the perimeter.

Run past the rock vein on the wall and continue to the dark alcove on the left, where you'll find the final treasure (20/20). Get it and backtrack to the rock vein. Climb to the top and jump to the ledge on the right.

HEALING CHAMBER (third time) – TOP LEVEL: Use Shadow Strike to smash the glowing disk, rupturing one of the eitr conduits powering Natla's pod.

Return to the gap in the walkway above the rock vein. Jump to the vein, then to the other side of the walkway. A couple of Vikings leap out of the waterfall, but if you just wait the lightning trap will probably zap them for you.

Use Shadow Speed to get past the lightning. For double bolts like this, stand near the wall, hold LB/RB, wait for both bolts to touch the wall. Then as they move away toward the edge of the walkway, run through.

An über-Yeti emerges from the hallway ahead on the right. If you like, you can move back through the lightning trap and let it destroy the thrall. Otherwise, fight it as usual.

If you approach the next lightning trap slowly, you may be able to target one of the 3 Viking thralls that spawn from the waterfall beyond before passing the trap. Destroy the thrall using Shadow Fire and then move carefully through the trap and fight the remaining Vikings.

The angled double lightning trap ahead is a bit more challenging than the others. To get through, stand in the center, hold LB/RB, wait for the two bolts to cross and then run or jump through as they separate.

Continue to the end of the walkway and smash the second glowing disk.

In the ensuing cut scene, Natla's pod detaches from its track and crashes to the floor. A few moments later we see her stir beneath a pile of rocks as the eitr bubbles around her. The doppelganger stands over her.

"Looks like the device suffered some damage after all," Doppel says.

"You!?" the outraged Natla cries. "Get this thing off me!"

The doppelganger just smiles.

"Ohk eshivar! I order you to help me."

But the doppelganger recalls Lara's order to ignore all further commands.

Natla goes into full tantrum mode as the blue liquid begins to rise. As she gurgles her last frantic cries for help, the camera lingers on the doppelganger's elated expression. Then the scene fades to black.


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UPDATE HISTORY: 3/21/09 - First draft of walkthrough posted online.
10/21/15 - Added Makemeacoffee's Refinery Speedrun glitch, thanks to a tip from Calvin.

WAS THIS WALKTHROUGH HELPFUL? If not, I apologize and invite you to contact me with any questions. If you need help right away, I recommend the r/TombRaider subreddit. Other fan-run forums are listed at If this site was useful, please consider supporting it financially or in other ways. For details, visit As always, I welcome your corrections/suggestions. Thank you!

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