After making your way through the tunnels and kicking open the locked door, as shown in the previous section, pick up a large health pack (3 - Bouchard's Hideout).
Then continue to a walkway overlooking the same open shaft you jumped across earlier. Follow the catwalk to the right to find a roll of €80 cash.
To get back down quickly, take a step back from the end of the catwalk, then jump over the railing to land on the ledge below. (Or, return the way you came, through the previous room, down the ladder, and across the shaft.) Follow the tunnel back to the four-way intersection.
This time, follow the tunnel on the right.
Climb onto the crate and jump up to grab the crumbling wall. Climb up, traverse to the right, and pull up on a small platform.
Turn around and jump to the next platform.
Turn right, step toward the wall, and jump straight up to grab the molding. Traverse to the right and pull up in the doorway. Crawl through to a small, dark room.
Climb through the opening on the other side to re-enter the PARISIAN GHETTO.
NOTE: The remaining pickups are part of the PARISIAN GHETTO and are numbered accordingly. They will be items 2-4 on the PARISIAN GHETTO NORTHEAST map if you helped Bernard and received the EX-BARTENDER'S KEY. They will be items 1-3 if you helped Pierre, since his key is counted on the CAFÉ MÉTRO map. (I'm sorry this is so confusing. I'm trying.)
This is the gated entrance beneath the PARC DE LA LUNE (where you met Bernard, if you took that path). Pick up all the goodies on the floor: €320 cash (in two separate stacks), V-Packer cartridges , a Desert Ranger clip, and a Vector clip (4-6 - Parisian Ghetto). Exit through the gate near the items. Once you've opened it from the tunnel side, it should re-open from the park side if you need to return.
IMPORTANT: When you emerge from the tunnels, you can speak to Bernard (he's standing right there) or Pierre (back at the Café Métro) to return the TRINKET BOX, but do not interact with the Doorman or go to Pierre's ex's apartment until you're ready to enter the next level.
DARK MODE: I plan to add optional dark mode for these pages, but my current priority is updating the walkthroughs. Meanwhile, may I suggest a reputable dark mode browser extension, such as Dark Reader? (Download only from trusted sites, like or your browser's web store.)
Walkthrough text and diagrams copyright © Stellalune (email ). Feel free to copy or print this walkthrough for personal use. By all means, share it with friends, but please include this credit line so people can send me their feedback. No part of this walkthrough may be reproduced on another site without permission.