Abandoned Métro Tunnels

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After completing THE SERPENT ROUGE level, where you'll unlock a strength upgrade, climb down into the tunnels through either manhole: The one shown above, in the Rue de la Clef behind LE SERPENT ROUGE...

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...or the one in the Cours de la Seine, near Janice.

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Follow the tunnel to a hub where four passages meet. If you came down through the manhole behind the SERPENT ROUGE, turn right at the four-way intersection.

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If you entered through the manhole in the Cours de la Seine, proceed straight ahead through the four-way intersection.

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Continue to an open shaft. Walk carefully along the broken ledge to the right.

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Drop and hang from the ledge....

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...then traverse to the left onto the cracked wall Climb down, then left, then up, into a doorway...

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Here you'll find a diamond ring (1 - Bouchard's Hideout).

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Climb back up the cracked wall to the broken ledge above.

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The return climb can be a little tricky. You may need to traverse along the broken ledge until Lara is facing the wall in order to pull up.

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Position Lara in the doorway and take a running jump across the shaft to grab the other side. Pull up and collect a Vector clip (2 - Bouchard's Hideout) in the tunnel ahead.

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Climb the ladder...

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...to a room with various crates and pipes. (You can dismount on either side or press Jump to backflip off the ladder.) Go through to the next room.

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Kick open the door.

NOTE: If you didn't get the strength upgrade in THE SERPENT ROUGE, Lara will say she's not strong enough. You'll need to return the way you came, climb back up through the manhole to street level, then complete the SERPENT ROUGE in order to proceed.

[Next | Parisian Ghetto Walkthrough]

DARK MODE: I plan to add optional dark mode for these pages, but my current priority is updating the walkthroughs. Meanwhile, may I suggest a reputable dark mode browser extension, such as Dark Reader? (Download only from trusted sites, like darkreader.org or your browser's web store.)