Beyond the gate there's a fence Lara can crawl under. (She explains how.) Pick up a CROWBAR on the other side then commando crawl under the broken gate. (Again, Lara gives directions, though she refers to the Analog Stick even in the PC game.)
Go to the left to a little dead end, where you'll find some health pills (shown above).
Proceed cautiously toward the street. If you unlocked the courtyard gate instead of walking through it, there'll be a police car to the right and a gendarme to the left (shown in the two screenshots below). As she nears the corner, Lara will explain how to use stealth. (If you have a weapon, either by cheating or by completing the first half of the level normally before this, you can shoot him before he arrests Lara.)
If you didn't unlock the gate, there will be an invisible wall to the right and an empty street to the left.
By using stealth to hug the wall, as shown in the screenshot above, you can watch until the gendarme moves off down the street and around the corner. Then you can continue to explore freely.
At the end of this stretch of road on the right, there's an invisible gate where Lara can use the crowbar to pry off the lock (above). Lara can also just walk through the door. The strength upgrade symbol appears here, but it isn't mentioned in the game.
Enter and go up the ramp into a small courtyard. There you'll see a green flash marking an invisible item (above). When you pick it up, there's a blank area at the top right of the screen where the item is usually shown. Look in your inventory, though, and you'll find it was actually a large health pack. Return down the ramp and through the gate where you used the crowbar.
Return down the ramp and through the invisible door and continue straight ahead along the street.
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