Industrial Rooftops - Alleyways and Warehouse

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After making your way across the first two rooftops and climbing down a long ladder, as shown in the previous section, Lara finds herself in an alley near a a flaming barrel. (More of a landmark than an actual hazard.) First, go left, around the corner...

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...past a closed garage door, and left again...

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...into a dead-end alley, where you'll find a large health pack (7). (Maybe you noticed it earlier from above.)

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Return to the opening of the alley. To the left is a chain-link fence with a gate that doesn't open and razor wire on top. There's a gap in the razor wire on the left side where Lara can climb over. Beyond the fence is a rottweiler (1) and a dumpster with Impactor batteries (8) inside. If you're going for the "Good Boys" achievement/trophy (no injuring or being injured by dogs), save before climbing over the fence.

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Then take extra care to avoid the dog as you run around the corner...

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...and jump into the dumpster.

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Get the batteries, jump out, then run back around the corner...

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...and climb over the fence. (Or, if you're looking for all kills, you can melee attack the dog instead, but we're not going to show that. No, we are not.) Return down the slope, past the garage door to the ladder and flaming barrel.

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Find the movable tank to the left of the ladder and pull it toward the flaming barrel...

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...to gain a lower-body strength upgrade.

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Continue past the flaming barrel to a corner with a heap of wooden cable spools.

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Pick up M-V9 ammo (9) on the ground just around the corner.

NOTE: At the end of the alley, past the partially open roll-up door, is another chain link fence that Lara can climb. However, there's only another mean old dog (2) on the other side. No goodies. So unless you want all kills, you can avoid it.

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Crawl under the partially open roll-up door.

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Inside the building there's a large health pack (10) on the floor to the left, near a climbable pipe. This pipe leads up to the door where you would have entered had you not come down the ladder. No need to go there now. Instead, climb onto the metal cube with the four fans and jump to grab the ledge to the left (i.e., left when Lara's back is to the roll-up door).

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Pull up and follow the metal walkway around to the left.

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If you got the lower body upgrade earlier, Lara will tell you she can make the next jump. Take a running jump across the room and grab the narrow ledge on the far wall.

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Traverse to the left and pull up onto the metal walkway.

NOTE: To go back for the upgrade, crawl back outside, head to the right around the corner, and find the movable tank. Pull it as far as you can toward the flaming barrel to strengthen Lara's legs, as shown above. Then return to the warehouse and make that jump.

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Climb the ladder to the walkway above. Dismount on the right.

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Pick up V-Packer standard cartridges (11). Jump the gap and exit through the door on the left. Follow the hallway past a door that doesn't open. Go through the second door to emerge outdoors on a tiny ledge overlooking a back alley.

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DARK MODE: I plan to add optional dark mode for these pages, but my current priority is updating the walkthroughs. Meanwhile, may I suggest a reputable dark mode browser extension, such as Dark Reader? (Download only from trusted sites, like darkreader.org or your browser's web store.)