Climb the ladder ahead.
Then use the wire to traverse across the alley. Lara explains what to do: Stand below the wire and jump straight up to grab it. Hold Forward to climb across.
When you reach the edge of the next roof, Lara prompts you to press Duck to pull her legs up. Press and hold Duck.
NOTE: If you prefer, you can switch between holding or toggling Duck in the menu under Options > Control > Duck Mode. Later, when you unlock the ability to Sprint, you can do the same with Dash Mode.
Continue holding both Duck and Forward to get past the obstacle.
Release Duck but continue pressing Forward to swing hand-over-hand until Lara is hanging above the flat roof. Then press Action to let go and drop.
Run forward under the small enclosure with a stack of crates that will shield Lara from gunfire.
Pick up some bandages (1). Beyond the crates, the roof slopes downward, but there's a section with ladder-like bars that Lara can stand on without sliding.
Activate walk mode and move carefully down this ladder. Lara can still slide off if you step off the ladder.
If you do slip, hold Action to grab the edge, then traverse until Lara is hanging below the ladder and pull up.
Stand at the bottom of the ladder and jump forward to grab the edge of the roof across the gap.
Pull up and crawl into the crate to get more bandages (2).
There are two ways to get down from here: If you want to be an action hero and don't care about missing a pickup, walk to the edge of the roof nearer the helicopter.
Turn around, and slide backwards while holding Action to crash through the skylight and grab the edge of the opening. Then press Action again to drop to the floor. By doing this, you will miss the doubloons in the hall below because the door only opens from the outside. (Skip down to the next section.)
- OR -
Alternatively, if you want all pickups, face the helicopter and the crate where you found the bandages. Step backwards to the edge of the roof and then safety drop...
...onto the small catwalk between the two buildings. You can see a large health pack below. You'll get that shortly.
For now, barge open the door and enter the second building. Pick up Antique Doubloons (3) in the hallway and continue to the next dimly lit room.
(This is where you land if you crash through the skylight.) Get the M-V9 ammo (4) on the floor near the lockers and a chocolate bar (5) on the small table. Exit through the door near the table.
You emerge on another high walkway outdoors. Ahead are a door and a ladder. The door opens, but don't go that way if you want all pickups. Walk to the ladder and climb to the top.
Here there's a storage tank of some kind and another short ladder. Climb it... find V-packer standard cartridges (6) on the platform above.
NOTE: If you like, you can now take a shortcut to the end of the level. See the main walkthrough for details.
To continue the long way, with all pickups, after getting the V-packer cartridges, drop back down through the opening with the short ladder, return to the top of the long ladder...
...and climb down to the ground.
NOTE: As in the previous classic games, you can descend ladders faster by repeatedly tapping Action to let go and re-grab, though you may want to quick-save before long descents just in case.
DARK MODE: I plan to add optional dark mode for these pages, but my current priority is updating the walkthroughs. Meanwhile, may I suggest a reputable dark mode browser extension, such as Dark Reader? (Download only from trusted sites, like or your browser's web store.)
Walkthrough text and diagrams copyright © Stellalune (email ). Feel free to copy or print this walkthrough for personal use. By all means, share it with friends, but please include this credit line so people can send me their feedback. No part of this walkthrough may be reproduced on another site without permission.