Derelict Apartment Block - Maintenance Room, Second Floor, Level Exit

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After navigating the gas-filled building from the ground level to the fourth-floor MAINTENANCE ROOM, as shown in the previous section, pick up the LIFT MAINTENANCE KEY (6) from the floor. If you don't care about getting all the pickups, you can FINISH THE LEVEL by exiting this room through the other door as soon as you get the key.

To get everything, first take the APARTMENT 21 KEY (7) off the hook on the wall. Use the switch to the right to bring the lift up to the top floor.

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Exit this room and step into the elevator. . If you killed the gendarme (1) down below (or let him live but moved the wardrobe across the entrance), you should now have a clear path to Apartment 21. Use the elevator to ride down to the 2nd floor. (To operate the elevator, step inside, then use direction buttons/left stick to select the 2 button, then Action to press the button.)

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Step out of the elevator on 2. Take a running jump back across the big hole and grab the other side. Pull up and run forward into the alcove.

- OR -

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If you didn't kill the gendarme (1) earlier, and didn't move the wardrobe, the policeman will be waiting outside Apartment 21. If you try to jump across the big hole, he'll draw his gun, and Lara will surrender. So instead, either drop down on this side of the big hole or ride the elevator down to the 1st floor.

Tomb Raider Angel of Darkness Remastered screenshotThen climb the stairs, jumping over the small hole as you go.

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Quickly approach the policeman (1) and beat the crap out of him before he can draw his gun. (Again, to use melee attacks, move in close and tap Action once to punch, twice for a one-two punch, or do one long press to kick.)

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Use the key to unlock Apartment 21, on the left.

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Go in and get the VECTOR-R35 SEMIAUTOMATIC (8) in the tall cabinet, plus a chocolate bar (9) and V-Packer standard cartridges x2 (10-11) in the left and right desk drawers, respectively.

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Return to the hallway and jump back across the big hole.

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Then ride the lift back up to the 4th floor.

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Exit the elevator, turn right, and re-enter the MAINTENANCE ROOM.

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If you want to make sure you have everything before leaving, open your Inventory and scroll down to Statistics.

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When you're ready to move on, unlock the blue door marked "Sortie" and go through.

[Previous | Derelict Apartment Block Walkthrough]

DARK MODE: I plan to add optional dark mode for these pages, but my current priority is updating the walkthroughs. Meanwhile, may I suggest a reputable dark mode browser extension, such as Dark Reader? (Download only from trusted sites, like darkreader.org or your browser's web store.)