As you exit the hole, if you haven't gotten turned around, the sub will be off to the left. Swim toward it, dropping a chaff flare or two as you go. Behind the sub is a break in the rocks that leads back toward the sub. Look for a group of rocks with rounded, greenish tops. Swim toward them, then to the right.
 Follow the seaweed growing on the bottom, making a U-turn to the left around the rock outcropping.
 After the U-turn continue straight on. Here the current will carry Lara the way she needs to go. Swim with it. You'll see the first mini-sub off in the distance to the left. Don't swim toward it. Instead, turn right between the rock outcroppings and head back toward the big sub.
 Swim beneath it and up through the open hatch.
[Return to the Deepsea Dive Walkthrough]
Copyright © 2000- - Stellalune (email ). Special thanks are given to the participants in the alt.games.tombraider newsgroup, without whom some parts of this walkthrough couldn't have been written. No part of this walkthrough may be reproduced without permission. |