The next room contains a descending ceiling with rotating blades. If you take only one or two steps into the next room, you can look around without activating the trap. There are torchlit alcoves along the left...
...and right walls containing 4 HOLY SCRIPTURE artifacts. These look like miniature versions of the statues you've seen throughout the level.
When you move a little farther in, the gate closes behind you and
drill-like blades begin to descend from the ceiling. You'll need to run around to the alcoves to collect all 4 artifacts before the north gate will open.
You don't have to retrieve them in any particular order, but here's what worked for me: Run to the alcove on the near left first.
Pick up the HOLY SCRIPTURE. Then roll...
...and sprint straight across the room to the opposite alcove. If you release Sprint/Dash and Forward just as Lara reaches the low ledge, she should stop right on top of the artifact.
Grab it, roll...
...and run around to the next alcove on the same wall.
Pick up the third artifact, roll...
...and sprint straight across the room to the opposite alcove. Again, release Sprint and Forward just as Lara reaches the low ledge, and she should stop right on top of the artifact.
Pick it up, roll...
...and run to the exit with time to spare.
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