After making a few pickups in the starting area, climb into the raised opening on the north side of the OUTDOOR AREA WITH THE TOPPLED BLOCKS.
Inside, turn right and proceed with pistols ready.
Shoot the 2 black scorpions that appear on the right...
...and left as you enter the low-ceilinged room ahead.
There are three carved blocks and three openings in the ceiling on the east side of this room. Climb onto the block on the right.
Turn around, pull up through the opening...
...and immediately draw pistols to shoot another black scorpion that emerges from the far left alcove.
Pick up some Uzi ammo in the first alcove on the left.
Then turn around and approach the broken column near the openings in the floor.
If you have flares to spare, light one and toss it into the alcove directly ahead.
Now move onto the square between the left and middle openings in the floor and turn to face the alcove where you just tossed the flare.
Another black scorpion spawns there. Kill it.
Then pick up some wideshot shotgun ammo in the next alcove along the north wall.
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