Temple of Horus - Shaft of Blue Light and Horus's Island

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Jump across the opening and grab the climbable back wall of the shaft.

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Climb down, down, and more down. There's a small room partway down the shaft. This contains a complicated trapdoor mechanism and a closed gate. There's nothing you can do here now, keep descending...

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...until you can dismount on a small ledge on the right (north).

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A panoramic view shows the statue of Horus awaiting its armor. It stands in a cavern on a small island surrounded by a pool. Classic boss-level architecture if you ask me. ;-)

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Turn right (north) and take a running jump from the ledge near the shaft of light...

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...to land in the water below.

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Turn around and swim forward and little to the left to find a place where you can climb out of the water onto the island.

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Place the 4 HOLY SCRIPTURES on the pedestals surrounding the statue of Horus. (You should still have them from the level UNDERNEATH THE SPHINX.)

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Then approach the statue from the front to trigger the next cutscene.

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Lara arranges the armor on the statue and places the amulet on its chest. The spirit of Horus then flies into the statue, only to be cast out by Seth.

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