The Great Pyramid - Climbing the Pyramid (part 3)

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(38) Face west (so the top of pyramid is on Lara's right) and take a running jump over two slippery blocks to land on the flat tile beyond.

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(39) Kill another beetle that approaches from higher up on the pyramid.

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(40) From the flat spot where you shot the last beetle, climb up twice (back to the eighth tier) and turn left.

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(41) Now set up the next jump carefully: Walk forward along the lower edge of the ledge until Lara runs into the edge of the sloping block ahead and won't go any farther.

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Hold Walk and step back once. Then release Walk and hop back once.

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Now take a running jump over the slope onto the flat tile beyond.

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Landing here triggers another falling block. (42) To avoid being crushed, immediately side flip to the right...

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...and roll.

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The deadly block should then pass in front of Lara without touching her.

- OR -

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If you're having trouble with the side-flip-and-roll, instead set up the running jump over the two sloping tiles so Lara lands near the middle of the flat tile.

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Then immediately take a standing jump angled slightly to the right to land on the tier above just beyond the path of the falling block.

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(43) After clearing this hazard, face west and take a standing jump over the next sloped block to land on the light-colored area beyond. Lara will then slide down onto a flat spot three tiers below.

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(44) Take a standing jump down to the next flat spot to the southwest (i.e., one tier down and two tiles ahead).

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(45) Turn slightly to the right and take another standing jump up to the next flat spot on the tier above.

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From here you can see another giant beetle sitting three tiers above.

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If you like, you can use the revolver or crossbow with the laser sight to kill it before it starts flying. Or, climb up to the next tier to trigger it and kill it as it approaches.

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(46) When the coast is clear, climb up to the block where the beetle originated (i.e., two or three tiers up, or until you can't climb any farther).

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(47) Take a standing jump up to the next flat spot above and to the left (west).

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There's one more block perched near the top of the pyramid ready to roll down and crush you if you aren't careful.

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(48, 49) To get past it, turn left (west) and take two standing jumps: one to land on the next flat spot and trigger the falling block, then a second to reach the next safe block.

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(50) Finally, take a running jump over the next two sloped tiles to land on the third...

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...and slide down into the next level.

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