Coastal Ruins - Opening the Entrance to the Catacombs (part 1)

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Climb over the dunes toward the small building to the southwest (marked D on the map in the main walkthrough).

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Ready the crossbow with explosive arrows or the grenade gun and enter the building.

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Two skeletons hop across the ledges and come down the stairs toward Lara.

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If you act quickly, you can take out both with a single explosive arrow or grenade.

Alternatively, climb up and knock the skeletons off the ledges using the shotgun. When they hit the ground, they'll shatter. Or, use normal arrows (or pistols with the laser sight bug) to blow off their heads. After that, they won't bother Lara.

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Avoid the pit with the dangling boulder for now. Climb halfway up the stairs where the skeletons came down.

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Take a standing jump to grab the platform above the pulley and boulder.

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Pull up, cross the ledge...

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...and take a diagonal standing jump to grab the ledge above the entrance. Pull up.

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Take the wideshot shells and small medipack.

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Hop down onto the ledge above the pulley, then take a running jump to the high ledge opposite the entrance. Go into the wide alcove here...

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...and use the GATE KEY to open the wrought iron gate. Follow the passageway into the next level: CATACOMBS.

NOTES: If you are missing the GATE KEY, check the footnote in the main walkthrough for help.

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When you enter this ROOM WITH BROKEN PILLARS AND SUNBEAMS, the first area in the CATACOMBS, follow the hall on the right.

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This leads to a room with an unstable floor. It sinks several inches when Lara steps on it, making it impossible to move the big carved pillar. Push the square tile on the wall.

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A cutscene shows a brown block rising up to floor level in the room below. After the cutscene you can see it through the grate in the hallway just outside the room with the unstable floor.

Tomb Raider Last Revelation screenshot

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