Citadel - Flooded Passageways Below Compass Room (part 3)

Tomb Raider Last Revelation screenshot
Go back up the ramps to the COMPASS ROOM.

Tomb Raider Last Revelation screenshot
Return through the NORTH DOOR and down the twisting passageway to the room with the chain.

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You still can't use it. So jump in the pool beside the chain...

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...and swim through the tunnel...

Tomb Raider Last Revelation screenshot

Tomb Raider Last Revelation screenshot the room where the various tunnels converge.

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Climb out of the water into the west tunnel.

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Now that the water level is lower, you can pull the lever here. This opens the 2 trapdoors in the middle room, lowering the water level even further.

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The trapdoor in the northwest corner contains some Uzi ammo. Grab it and swim back through the tunnel to the north.

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A little way in, you'll you'll need to climb out of the water and walk the rest of the way.

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There's a new bad guy lurking in the room with the chain. If you wait for him to come to the edge of the opening, you can kill him from below with Uzis or an explosive arrow.

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Now that the pit no longer has water in it, you can pull the chain.

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This opens the square door nearby. Climb out of the pit, pick up the small medipack the enemy dropped, and go through the door you just opened.

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