Citadel - Flooded Passageways and Rooms Below Compass Room (part 2)

Tomb Raider Last Revelation screenshot
Next, swim through the sloping tunnel at floor level on the north wall.

Tomb Raider Last Revelation screenshot
This tunnel bends upward...

Tomb Raider Last Revelation screenshot
...then around to the right...

Tomb Raider Last Revelation screenshot
...dips down and back up....

Tomb Raider Last Revelation screenshot
...and eventually brings you to a room where you can surface and climb out of the water.

Tomb Raider Last Revelation screenshot
This small room has a blue star patterns on the ceiling, many columns, and a chain. Lara can't pull the chain while it's half underwater.

Tomb Raider Last Revelation screenshot
So pick up the revolver ammo in the southwest corner and follow the twisting passageway back up to the COMPASS ROOM...

Tomb Raider Last Revelation screenshot
...where you emerge through the NORTH DOOR.

Tomb Raider Last Revelation screenshot
Go through the EAST DOOR and follow the ramp down to a room with 2 henchmen guarding a lever.

Tomb Raider Last Revelation screenshot
If you run at the one on the left while firing, you can take him out fairly quickly.

Tomb Raider Last Revelation screenshot
Then roll and deal with the one on the right.

Tomb Raider Last Revelation screenshot
Use the lever...

Tomb Raider Last Revelation screenshot lower the water level in the other rooms.

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