If you do want all the pick-ups, after retrieving the small medipack from the floor and up using the HAND OF ORION, as shown in part 1, follow this sequence, which is also shown in a short video.
Walk to the edge of the alcove where you placed the HAND OF ORION.
Hop back once.
Adjust Lara's angle if necessary so she's squarely facing the shotgun ammo on the platform ahead. Now watch the blades as they move over the platform. Notice how the gray, spinning blades move in and out along the blue arms.
As one of the blue arms passes over the shotgun ammo while the spinning blade is moving inward, take a running jump with Action to land right on top of the ammo.
Continue to hold Action to pick it up. As you're doing this, the next blue arm will approach, but the spinning blade should be moving away from you.
Hop back, wait a beat for the spinning blades to move a little farther...
...then flip to the left to land on top of the SHOTGUN.
Continue holding Action to pick it up. (This will register as regular shotgun ammo if you already found the gun.)
Then jump forward to land on the platform nearest the exit.
Immediately side flip to the left again to land in the doorway
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