When you arrive, there are spear-like blades protruding from the ledges ahead. There are spinning blades as well, but they are not active yet.
Before using the HAND OF ORION, drop down to the floor to get a small medipack in the corner to the left.
Climb back into the alcove and use THE HAND OF ORION in the receptacle. This retracts the spiky blades set into the platforms and causes the spinning blades to begin rotating.
Don't worry if you accidentally use the artifact before getting the medipack. You can still retrieve it; you just need to be careful of the blades as you climb up and down.
Now, to reach the exit on the far left side of the room. If you don't care about the items on the platforms, just walk to the edge of the alcove...
...and hop back once.
Wait for one of the spinning blade arms to pass, then take a standing jump...
...to grab the edge of the platform below the blades.
Continue holding Action to hang on. Then hold Right to traverse around the corner as the blades continue to move above you.
Traverse along the long edge of the platform...
...around the next corner...
...then the next...
...until the exit is above and behind Lara. Wait for one of the blades to pass, pull up...
...and immediately backflip...
...into the hallway.
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