Fall through the trapdoor and slide down the chute into the next room.
Here there are 4 fire-breathing mechanical statues above a pool of yellow lava. Between the two statues on the right is a ledge with a switch that deactivates the statue near the exit. You don't have to use the switch to proceed, but it makes things easier. To get to to the switch, then the exit, you'll need to jump across a series of 3 invisible platforms without getting barbecued. Here's one way.
Take a standing jump from the edge of the walkway to grab the first invisible platform. Don't pull up immediately.
Watch the flame above cycle on and off. Just before the flame goes out, begin to pull up.
By the time Lara is standing, the flame will be out. Immediately take a standing jump over the first platform and grab the edge of the second one.
Repeat this sequence to get to the third platform: Wait until the statue off to the right is almost done belching fire. Then pull up...
...take a standing jump over the second platform...
...and grab the edge of the third. While hanging, traverse to the left corner.
Watch the flames and pull up just before they go out.
Turn right and take a running jump over to the ledge with the switch.
NOTE: You could instead skip the switch and immediately take a running jump forward to the exit, but the timing can be tricky.
Pull the switch to deactivate the statue nearest the exit. Turn around, walk to the edge...
...and when the flames go out, take a standing jump to grab that third invisible platform again.
Traverse to the left, wait until the flames are just about to cycle off, pull up...
...turn right, and take a final running jump to the ledge by the exit. The blue gate opens as you approach, but do not rush in. There's a swinging burner just inside.
To get past it, either carefully walk/run or crawl your way around the edge of the room, or stand in the doorway on either side of it, and as the burner swings away, take a standing jump onto the pedestal. (Or crawl around the edge of the room to avoid the burner. Then climb onto the pedestal.)
Pick up the FOURTH OCEANIC MASK. Exit through the door on the right (behind the statue). It's timed to close quickly once you step off the pedestal, but getting back on the pedestal will open it again.
BUG NOTE: Make sure you pick up the mask, since it is possible to leave without it, and you won't be able to get back into the fire area again. If you've already done this, see the main walkthrough for possible solutions.
Follow the passage back to the gate on the left. It opens automatically, bringing you back to the room with the PILLAR OF LIGHT.
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). All rights reserved. Feel free to copy or print this walkthrough for personal use. By all means, share it with friends, but please include this credit line so people can send me their feedback. No part of this walkthrough may be reproduced on another site without permission. Follow this link for details about this site's advertising and privacy policy.