Aldwych - From Secret #5 to the Level Exit

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Drop through the trapdoor in the corner to the right of the secret room, where you climbed up earlier.

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Now you're back in the WOODEN CRATE ROOM. Climb over to the next crate.

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e and then take a standing jump forward to grab the ceiling grates.

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Monkey swing across the ceiling and drop down on the ledge behind the purple railing, like you did before.

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Climb up to the DRILL...

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...and cross over the top of it. Pull up into the red-and-pink metal duct where you found one of the SOLOMON'S KEYS.

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Follow the duct to the upper end...

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...and drop down...

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...into the dark room above the tracks, where you killed the rat earlier. Drop through the hole in the grating into the room below.

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Now, turn so the dirt-rimmed pit is behind Lara and you'll see the corridor with the brown-tiled ramp ahead on the left. Follow it up...

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...and across the ENCLOSED WALKWAY. Then turn right...

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...drop down into the hole...

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...go through the crawlspace beneath the yellow light...

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...and then climb up through the trapdoor into the TRAIN CAR.

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Press the button to move the car and open the other trapdoor.

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Crawl through into the hallway where you killed the 2 guys who opened the door for you.

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Turn into the first alcove on the right.

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Pick up the small medi pack if you didn't get it before. Then finish the level by dropping into the dark shaft at the end of the ramp.

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