After getting SECRET #3 and returning to the TURNSTILE room, go to the right...
...and down the escalator.
Use the MASONIC MALLET to open the door at the bottom. Again, face the middle of the door and not the lock to open it.
NOTE: If you don't have the MASONIC MALLET, you must go back and get it, since this item is not optional. Follow the same directions as for the ORNATE STAR on this separate page.
Enter and press the button to open a trapdoor in a nearby TRAIN CAR.
Then turn around and pull up into the crawlspace opposite the button to find a rocket. This is SECRET #4.
Exit the room with the button and drop down into the hole on the left.
When you step on the light gray tile, the door on the right opens and a thug comes out to pound on Lara. If you jump over the hole in the floor... can then turn around shoot him. He won't follow. When he falls, jump back over the hole and relieve him of a small medi pack.
The ENCLOSED WALKWAY he came from leads down to the train platform below the RIGHT SIDE ESCALATORS, but don't go that way yet. Instead hop back over the hole and continue along the passageway.
Kill another dog just around the corner. Then continue down the stairs to another train platform.
Shoot the gang member with the flaming club at the end of the platform before he gets too close.
He'll drop another small medi pack. There's also a save/power-up crystal in one of the alcoves...
...a large medi pack and shotgun shells in a hole in the mud-filled, bat-infested tunnel beyond the campfire...
...and flares on top of the TRAIN CAR. You can't get into the car from here, so return up the stairs and follow the passageway back to the hole in the floor.
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). All rights reserved. Feel free to copy or print this walkthrough for personal use. By all means, share it with friends, but please include this credit line so people can send me their feedback. No part of this walkthrough may be reproduced on another site without permission. Follow this link for details about this site's advertising and privacy policy.